Chapter 47 - Closuer and Bliss

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Hey guys! So this chapter is long ish. It's got alot of honest opinions in it about things that have been going on in real life. I'm fine now. I don't want anyone to think I'm hurting myself. I'm not. I just had a lot on my mind and needed to get it out. <3


Paul was holding a white piece of paper against the glass.  "LILY'S PARENTS FOUND US. THEY'RE IN THR OTHER ROOM WAITING."   I angrily let go of Zayn's hand and stomped out of the room. They found me and I'm going to give them a piece of my mind.

"Lily, please go back in there. You're going to cause trouble. Simon and May's parents are handling it."  

With those words a vase was chucked at the wall. I entered the room and everyone grew silent. Simon and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson backed away from my parents.   

"Hello Lilianna." My mother said.   

"What are you doing here?" I asked bluntly. I was in no moo for games.  

"We want to talk to you." She replied. My dad walked out of the room. "Where the hell are you going?" My mom asked him.  

"I can't do this. I can't sit here and see my daughter suffer. She's happy with Zayn! Why can't you see that?"  

"She's not happy. She's a pregnant whore. And she's giving up the baby. I'm not letting another child of mine ruin her life for some asshole." She screamed.   

Zayn came running into the room, "what was the crashing sound?"  

"I threw a vase at these ignorant people." May's mom explained.  

"Oh. Are you alright babe?" He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.   

"I'm fine Zayn."   

"Can we all sit down and calmly discuss this?" He asked.   

I crossed my arms and sat in a chair on the opposite side of the table from my mother. Everyone took a seat at the table. I impatiently waited for my mother to say something, but she just stared at me. I was holding Zayn's hand for comfort. I could tell he was nervous. Not nervous that we are going to lose the baby, but nervous that I'm going to do something I can't undo.   

"I want you to give the baby up for adoption and come home." My mother finally spoke.  

"I'm not giving up my daughter. I'm keeping my baby. There's nothing you can do to stop me. And I already have a home. I live in at home and go to school in England. I live with my boyfriend who actually loves me and supports me in everything I do." I replied with attitude.

"I'm your mother! You have to do what I say!"  

"Actually..." Simon paused. "Lily was legally emancipated back in September."   

"What? You need my permission to do that!" She yelled.  

"No I don't actually. You see I went to court and filed for emancipation and I provided then the details of my life and they granted me emancipation. I'm my own guardian. I get checked up on every month. As long as I'm in good standing at school, I'm not your daughter."  

"Details of your life? What details?! Your life is perfect! I gave you a home to sleep in and three meals a day. People in Africa have horrible lives. You live like a princess." She grunted.

"A princess?" I threw my hands up in anger. "Are you fucking serious?"  

"Babe, calm down." Zayn tried to get me to stop, but there was no way I was going to let her tell everyone this bullshit.  

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