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Alex's point of view:

happy anniversary part one:

"Did you know that Olivia means hero?" I asked, watching Liv get ready. She turns around giving me a funny face, "what?" I ask, chuckling.

"Where did you hear that?" She asked.

"I don't know, I read it somewhere," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I don't think that's true," she said letting out a small laugh.

I get up, moving behind her. "I think it is," I say wrapping my arms around her waste.

"Alex, I'm going to burn myself!" She gasps, letting the curling iron drop the hair she just had wrapped up.

"Oops," I said, but didn't move. "You know you're my hero right?" I questioned, watching her face change.

"What do you mean? I haven't done anything to be considered a hero."

"You live everyday without your mom, getting through something like that takes real guts. You are a hero," I said.

"Alex I'm not-"

"Baby," I said cutting her off. "Why do you never take my compliments?"

"I-uhm.. I don't know," she said fumbling out her words. "I guess because I have thought a certain way about myself for my whole life and now you come in telling me differently it's hard to actually believe it, you know?"

"I am going to tell you it for the rest of my life until you get it into that thick scull of yours," I said tapping her head a few times. "But can you please hurry up, I want to get there before it gets dark." I pout.

"I was almost done until you distracted me!" She said nudging me away with her butt.

"Fine whatever, okay. I'm going," I said putting my hands up backing out.

"How do you know about this place anyways?" She questioned.

"I have my ways," I said winking.

"You're so annoying," she giggled. "Give me like 10 more minutes."

"As you wish," I nod, grabbing my phone.


"Alex," she laughed, gripping my arm tightly.

"Just keep moving," I said slowly making our way across the grass.

"Why do I have a blind fold on?" She asks, "I just did my eye make up for nothing!" She groans, a pout peaking on her lip.

I smile, kissing her lips seeing the pout disappear. "You'll look beautiful no matter what. Just a few more steps." I said guiding her. "Okay," I stop, making her face me. "Take you blind fold off but don't take your eyes off me, alright?" I ask and she nods. She slowly take it off, batting her eyes smiling widely at me. "As you know, today is a very special day." I grin.

"Is that so?" She teases, "what day is it?" She asks, daring me with her eyes.

"I'm going to ignore that. Anyways. We have been dating for 7 months. 7 months of tears, arguments, laughter, loss, and most importantly love. Olivia Francesca Scott, I have never loved anyone more then I love you. Everyday with you feels so surreal, like I am living in a wonderful dream that I am so scared I'm going to wake up from. I don't want to loose you, because if I do that means I don't only loose my girlfriend but my bestfriend," I take a deep breathe, laughing away the tears that are lining up in my eyes. "I love you so much, happy anniversary baby."

She sniffles to show that she's crying, as she goes in for a hug, "Why the fuck did you tell me to dress up, knowing you'd make me cry with some sappy shit like that?" She laughed, into my shirt. She backed up, whipping her face, and she locked eyes with me. "You're the best boyfriend I could of ever asked for. You are my angel, my protector, the balance I need, and my absolute best friend. I know I always say this but I really wouldn't have made it through this past year without you. You're my everything Hamid Alexander Guzman."

"Ew my full name? Liv why!" I groaned, but the smile still plastered my face.

"Because it's you and I love everything about you."

"What did I do to deserve you?" I question, going in for a kiss.

"I ask myself the same question everyday," she smiles, giving me an eskimo kiss. "So," she sniffs, looking around. "Can I turn around now?" She giggles.

"Oh right! Yes of course," I said.

She paused, and turned around slowly. I watched her face drop.

"Alex you didn't..."

"But I did."

"You do like it right?" I question, feeling nervous that I messed up.

"I love it, its beautiful. Look at the sunset, oh my god! Alex!" She cheered, hugging my side.

I have been planning this for as long as I knew she was coming on tour with me. Our past few anniversaries have been hard for her considering her mom never got to meet me. I wanted this one to focus on us and the love we shared. I packed a picnic next to the lake, knowing she's been wanting to do this forever.

i make myself feel so single lolllz

what a blesiv - I (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now