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edited: January 13th, 2019.
olivias' point of view:

"You want food?" Aunt Sarah asked placing a hand lightly on my shoulder.

"No I'm okay," I said flashing a small smile, "But thank you."

"Of course, I'll be back in a bit."

"So you traveling alone?" I asked facing my attention to Carlos.

"Yeah, but I'm used to it. I traveled alone to get to Alex," he chuckled.

"Is it scary? I've only been on an airplane once but I was so little I can't even remember it."

"Nah, you get used to it after awhile," Alex chimed in.

"I don't think I'd be able to handle it," Diana chimes in. "Being that high in the air, holy shit I'd probably cry."

"Honestly same, I really wouldn't be able too," I laughed, making a nervous face. Carlos and Alex exchange looks, "What?" I asked, scrunching my eyebrows up in confusion.

"Uh, we kind of had a surprise for you," Carlos frowned, "Once your mom was better Alex and you were gunna fly out to see me."

"No way! Seriously?"

"Yes, but I guess we don't have to," Alex said shrugging his shoulder.

"No! No! No! I'd face my fears to see Carlos!" I screamed. "I want to," I assured. "You know, if my mom ever does wake up."

"If your mom ever does wake up you'll do what?" Aunt Sarah asked walking in, "I forgot my money, silly me," she chuckled.

"Alex said he'd fly me to see Carlos once mom wakes up and is okay."

"That's sweet," but she frowns, "You don't think your mom will be okay?"

"I mean I hope she will be, but you can't ever be too sure."

"Well how about we make a deal?" Aunt Sarah asks, I raise my eyebrow to show I'm listening, "Let's say in the worst case scenario she's still in a coma in around 3 months, we can send you out to see Carlos."

I frowned knowing I want to do that but I couldn't leave Mom, "I don't want to leave mom, as much as I'd wanna see Carlos but I can't do that."

"What about it Carlos comes back here? I'd pay for the trip?"

I look at Carlos with hopeful eyes hoping he'd see the predicament I'm in.

"In 3 months?" He asked.

"Yes around then," I said nodding.

"I-uh, I'm going to be on tour then?" He said more of a question giving Alex a side look.

"Then how would you have flown me out to see you? Wait, Alex you're going on tour?"

"We were going to fly you out to where I was at, at that time. Well it wasn't definite, considering everything that's happening with you I didn't want to tell them I could go unless I was positive," he said giving Carlos a glare.

"You were gunna stay back for me?" I question, feeling slightly happy for it but also guilty.

"Of course, I wouldn't just up and leave knowing what you're going through. They asked me when you couldn't get a hold of Diana so of course I wasn't going to say yes."

"I'm here now, so you can go if you need too," Diana said.

"No offense but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that. How long until you go off on Liv again and make her upset. Weren't you the one who made her unsure about me? Then ghosted her when her mom is in the hospital?"

"Alex!" I gasped.

"Says the famous one who's going to leave her for tour," Diana snaps back.

"Obviously I wasn't going to leave if I told them I wasn't going to for her," he said keeping my guard up.

"Alex that's enough, hallway now!" I snapped, marching to the door. "I don't need this right now!" I screamed as soon as he got to the door, "I know Di has been ghost and hasn't done the best things to me in the past but she's here now, that is what matters. I don't need two of the best people in my life fighting," I screamed running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry, it just made me mad. She comes back thinking she's own everything. She makes you sadder than happy what it looks like and isn't very reliable.." He stopped abruptly, looking at my face. "I'm sorry," he sighed, "I am.. I just don't think you need anymore negativity in your life," he frowns, rubbing up and down my arms.

"Then don't fight with her, please, for me," I pout.

"Anything for you. I'm sorry," He sighed placing a kiss on my forehead.

"It's okay.."

authors note:

school starts in two days and im depressed:(

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