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edited: January 12th, 2019.
olivias' point of view:

"Hey uhm Alex?" I questioned catching his attention.

He puts his phone down, and looks up at me. "Yeah sorry, what's up?"

"What happened earlier?" I ask, and when he bunches his eyebrows up as if he doesn't understand what I'm talking about I clear my throat and start to fiddle with my hands nervously. "Why did you storm out after you called me Uh," I pause and feel my cheeks flush, "pure, earlier."

He sighed as his gaze shifted to the floor, as his free hand cups the back of his neck.  "Liv, I'm just not good with this stuff. First off, I think it's way to early for me to have real feelings for you, but in someway I think I already do. You're such a good person and If I am being 100 with you, I don't think I'm good enough for you," he said shifting uncomfortably not moving his gaze from the tiled floor.

"Alex," I say calling his name. When he doesn't meet my eyes, I grab his hand to get him to look at me. His gaze moves slowly uo from our handing hands to my face. When he looks at me, I laugh. "Not good enough for me? Look who's fricken talking mister social media famous!" I shouted shaking his hand, earning a chuckle from him, "And for the feelings part well, you're not the only one who's confused," I admit. "I do know I have some type of feelings for you right now. More then friends for sure," I flush and his thumb starts rubbing my hand gently causing my stomach to erupt in butterflies. "I'm really thankful you're here with, and Carlos I don't know where I'd be without guys right now," I said giving his hand a squeeze.

He frowned, "See Carlos is better in situations like this, he even made you smile earlier. I haven't been able to even make you crack a grin, I'm not good in bad situations," he said taking his hand back and putting it on his forehead.

"Alex, please just look at me. I am not interested in Carlos as anything other than a friend, I promise you that. I am 100 percent interested in you, and only you, don't be so jealous sheesh," I teased making his mouth drop open.

"I-I'm not jealous!" He protested.

I chuckled at his quick response, "Sure thing, buddy," I said keeping the tease on.

"Now I'm buddy? Jeez, friend-zoning me," he said shaking his head, but the smirk was still there.

"I don't want to friend zone you," I sighed.

He wrapped his arm around my waste pulling me in closer, out of habit my head fell onto his shoulder. "I know," he sighed as he started rubbing up and down my arm lightly.

"Fiona Scott's family?" A lady asked coming into the room, I stood up quickly catching her attention. "Oh just you?" She questioned looking around.

"Yeah, my dad uh, he's not in the picture," I said quietly.

"Well I'm sorry about that, but is there another adult we can call. Sisters, her mother?" She questioned.

"You can call her sister," I said with a nod. "I have her number right here," I said quickly pulling out my phone. "Her name is Sarah, by the way," I said as I handed my phone over.

"Okay I'll be right back with your phone," she said exiting.

"This isn't good," I frowned, "If they cant tell me that means something serious is happening. She could die," I said feeling the tears coming back.

"Hey hey, don't think so negative, Liv, it's going to be okay," Carlos said in a soothing voice as Alex continued to draw circle shapes on my back.

        I feel myself going mute. They don't understand, she's all I have left. My dad left us awhile back, has a whole new family now. Gave up custody of me and everything to my mom, no fight. He pays child support. He wouldn't take me in, he wouldn't want his old family mixed with his new. I will have no one. I zone out on a spot on the wall, so much my eyes start to dry out.

        I take in one shaky breath, and start moving my leg up and down to calm myself.      Alex notices me place a gentle hand on my knee to stop me from bouncing it. I slowly look up at him, biting my lip to prevent myself from crying. I fail, and probably look so stupid, I drop my face in my hands letting out a shaky sob.

      Alex's hand rubs my back gently. "It's okay, just breathe," he said quietly. "It's going to be okay, I promise. You just need to breathe Olivia."

        "Here's your uh—here's her phone, her aunt will be here soon," The lady said, I didn't bother to look up.

         I heard Carlos take it and then drop it on the chair next to me. He grabs my free hand, letting me know he's here also.

       "Hi Aunt Sarah," I said forcing a small smile.

       My aunt is in her 40s. She's 7 years older than my mom. Her hair is blonde to cover up the fact that she has gray hair coming in already. It apparently runs in my moms family, getting gray hair fast. I have that too look forward too I guess. Yay. She also always dresses like a librarian.

       "Oh Olivia, you should of called me sooner. Have you been here alone this whole time?" She frowned cupping my face.

      "No, my friends have been here," I said pointing to Alex an Carlos. "The one in the blue shirt is Carlos, and the Orange shirt is Alex. Carlos Alex this is my aunt Sarah," I said bringing her over to them.

        "Hi boys, thank you for being her for her, I'm so glad she wasn't alone," she said wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

        "It was no problem at all," Carlos said with a nod, then sent me a wink.

        "Where's Diana? I could of sworn she'd be the one here," Sarah said taking a seat beside Alex.

        I made my way over to where Carlos was sitting on the bench and made myself comfortable, "She stopped answering, she probably got her phone taken away," I said with a shrug.

        "Aw poor thing," Sarah sighed. "Are you alright Liv? You look exhausted," she frowns.

        "I am," I admit. "Crying makes you so tired," I chuckled slightly.

      "Yea it does, maybe you should head home, rest for a bit, I could call you if there are any updates?" She suggested and it didn't sound like such a bad idea.

       I look at my mom and pause before I answer. "You promise to call, if anything at all happens?" I asked, and she nodded.

      "Of course, good or bad and I'll call you right away, go, shower, sleep," she said nodding her head towards the door.

      I looked at Carlos, "Come on, let's get you home," he said helping me up.

       "Thank you," I said bending down to give Aunt Sarah a hug, "I'll be back later."

        I looked over at Alex and frowned before looking back at my mom. "I feel bad for leaving, should I be staying?" I asked.

        "You do look exhausted, you could use a few hours of sleep. Me and Carlos will stay with you for as long as you need, you shouldn't be alone right now," I looked at Carlos and he nodded in agreement.

        "Thank you guys," I sighed.

        "No need to thank us," Alex said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Let's get you home."

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