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edited: may 5th, 2019.
olivias' point of view:

       Alex fricken Guzman.

         I could recognize that face anywhere. His beautiful cocoa colored eyes, with that pouty lip. He's popular on social media, or as some would say, "famous" but social media kids don't like that term. I knew he lived around here, but I've never had the luck of meeting him. Well, until now.

       I take a deep breathe and swallowed the lump that was lodged in my throat, "Uh hi." I say getting his attention.

       He looked around as if I was talking to anyone else but him. Once he finally realized I was taking to him, a small smirky smile formed on his lips. "Hi."

      "May I sit?" I asked gesturing to the chair across from him.

       "Yes sure of course, anything for a Blesiv Fam," he says leaning back in his chair.

        I gave him a look, "Blesiv fam? What's that?" I asked, playing dumb. He'd never give me the time of day, let alone his number if he knew I knew him from social media.

      His face drops, "Y-you? Uh, you're not? You know what never mind," he said nervously fiddling with his cup in front of him.

       I instantly feel bad for lying to him. Im ready to confess and admit I know exactly who he is, just to wipe that confusion off his face. "Sorry, I can go if you want me t—"

        "No, no, I just got you mistaken for someone else. Of course you can sit, it takes some balls to walk up to someone in the food court."

       "Yeah, I'm kind of still shaking," I spit out before I have a second to process the words. I mentally curse myself out for admitting that. "I was really nervous you'd just ignore me or something." I laugh nervously but I'm screaming inside. Why did god give me a mouth? Why did I think that was smart to say?!

       "You're shaking?" He questions placing his hand on mine. I didn't know what to do, so I just freeze. I stop breathing all together and my eyes are zoned in on our hands touching. I think he felt the tension because he quickly takes his hand back chuckling slightly. "Awh I'm not that scary looking am I?"

       Was that flirting? Holy fucking shit, Alex Guzman just flirted with me!

       "What, of course not! I'm just a shy, and we'll my friend was trying to push me out of my comfort zone so she dared me to come over here. She bet I couldn't get your number," I admit, and then I wonder if that was smart.

       Maybe he'd be offended, if someone said that to me I'd probably be offended and think of it as some cruel prank.

        "A shy person who came over and talked to me, I'm impressed," he smirked. And I have to hold back from letting out a sigh of relief when I see his ego is in fact, still intact.

       "Well ye—"

       "Olivia, I really hate to cut this short but it's 9:45. You don't want your mom to kill you before you even make it to your second date," Di shouted from behind me, causing me to jump.

       Alex had a small smirk on his lips, as I processed all her new information.

        "Second date? 9:45? Oh my god! We need to go!" I said feeling slightly panicked.

       "It was nice to meet you—" I acted dumb again, pretending like I didn't know his name.

       "Alex," he said quietly.

        "Alex," I repeated with a smile, and a nod.

          I started to walk away with Diana pulling my arm forcefully, "Wait, Olivia, hold up!" Alex screamed making my legs feel like jello, he was coming after me.

       I feel like Cinderella.

        "You can't leave a man hanging like that, uh c-can I get your number?" He asked.

       "Oh uh, yeah of course."

        I could feel Diana's eyes shooting lasers into my head as I nervously swapped our phones. I typed my number in, and quickly handed it back grabbing mine from him.

       "Okay thanks. Uh, I'll text you later?" he said questioned.

         I was too in shock to find the right words so I knotted with a small smile. He returned the smile and went on his way.

        "What the actual fuck was that?" I spat as Diana yanked me towards our exit, "What the fuck!" I screamed giddily.

         "That is called, I won the bet bitch. You're welcome!" She said said with an eye roll as we made it to the car.

        "That was crazy, he was adorable. Did you see his smile? Even with braces he looked cute this is—"

       "Girl, you need to take a chill pill, if we don't make sure you get home before 10, you're never going to see him again!" She said with annoyance in her voice as the car jerked forward.

        I ignored her comment. Anyone who knows me would know this is a huge self accomplishment for me. I never talk to guys let alone someone famous, in a food court. This will be a day remembered in my book, even if I end up grounded or not.

authors note:

MORGAN? Me? YES I updated 3 days in a row ekxksksks

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