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Alex's point of view:

"So how are you guys tonight?" I screamed, feeling the grin grow on my face.

I love being onstage. It's the greatest high you could ever feel. Knowing all of these people are here for you, and you help them by just being yourself makes it all worth a billion bucks.

I look to my right being greeted with Olivia's breathtaking smile watching me from side stage. I think what makes this experience the greatest is having her by my side through all of it.

I heard billions of greats, and it makes my heart even happier.

"So guys," I said, keeping my eyes on Olivia, "how would you like it if my girlfriend Olivia, came out and joined me tonight?" I watched her face drop.


"Yes! My otp!"

Olivia frowned at me, fiddling with her hands in the adorable way she always does when she gets nervous.

I walked over, and let out a sigh, "This is a once and a lifetime moment. You are the youngest you will ever be. Take this risk with me."

"Alex," She said peaking out at the crowd over my shoulder. "I told you I was nervous about going on stage," she pouted.

"Baby, they all want to see you!" I said moving to the side so she could see it all.

"I know you can do this, do it for your mom," I smiled, giving her arm a tug.

"Fine," she said letting out a nervous sigh, "I can do this."

"Yes you can!" I screamed, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Okay guys," I shouted into the mic, hearing everyone go silent. "Give a big warm welcome to the beautiful Olivia Scott!" The crowd erupted in loud screams and I could see Olivia's face turn into a light shade of pink as a smile plastered on her face.

"Hi everyone," Olivia said quietly into the mic.

"You're so pretty!" Someone shouted from the back causing Olivia to let out a small chuckle.

"Aw thank you!"

"Okay, so truthfully I wasn't even sure what I was going to do on stage by myself anyways," I lied. "SO how would you guys like a q&a asking question about me and Liv?"


"I have so many questions!"


"Okay, okay. You right in the front," I pointed to a little girl, she looked around confused like she was in shock I picked her. "Yes you, in the blue hoodie, what is your question."

I leaned down to get her question on the mic, "How did you guys meet?"

I looked at Liv, and she nodded letting me go on. "Well I was at the mall with Carlos actually, and he left for a sec to go to the bathroom and I was just chillin eating my chick fil a and then this gorgeous girl walks up to me saying her friend dared her come over and talk to me."

"Which is actually true!" Olivia said cutting me off.

"Well if you say so," I teased, causing her to gasp. "Why don't you finish the story babe."

"Aww, he called her babe," a bunch of people murmured in the crowd.

"Fine I will. So my mom was super strict with my curfew and I think at that time I had to be home by 10 so my friend came over saying we had to go. Me and Alex didn't talk for long but before I left he stopped me and asked for my number."

"Yessir that is true. Just look at her, who wouldn't want to ask for her number?" I said, wrapping my arm around her waste.

"Ew no pda," She teased pushing me away, but sent me a wink. "Next question?" She screamed, "Ah yes, you in the purple tee shirt, scream it because I can't get the mic to reach you."

"Is it true that you guys live together?"

"Well, we have been dating for about 4 months and around the time he asked me out my mom was in the hospital. Not wanting to be alone, Alex always stayed the night even before we were dating him and Carlos would stay with me to make sure I was okay. After my mom-"

"Liv you don't need to talk about it," I said cutting her off.

"No it's okay, anyways, after my mom passed away Carlos left to go home and Alex never really left my side. So yeah, I guess we live together."

I grabbed her hand, rubbing the back of it with my thumb, "Next question?"

"Yeah you with the blesiv hoodie on in the third row," Liv called out.

"How are you so calm talking about your mom?"

"That is kind of a unnes-"

"No, Alex it's really okay," she confirms. "That is actually a really good question. Most days I ask myself the same question honestly. Even before my mom passed I asked myself how I could live without her, but here I am. After awhile the pain numbs and you kind of just want to focus on the good. Because her life was good, and she wouldn't want me to be sad..."


"Alex," Liv said, letting a sigh out.


"I think you were sent to me for a reason," her words shock me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, attempting to figure it out myself.

"You were sent to me around 2 weeks before my mom was in the hospital. I never thought about it like this until now but I think we were meant to meet. You were meant to help me through this."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes, I know so. I wouldn't of made it without you, and I never want too."

"You won't have too."

"Thank you for today too, I love being on stage," she giggles quietly.

"I told you, you would."

"I know, you're right," She said letting out a yawn. "I love you," she said snuggling closer into my side.

"I love you too," I said placing a kiss on her head.

Within seconds the room was filled by her soft snores.

what a blesiv - I (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now