"Did he ever come with anyone?"

"He came with his usual security, but I saw him with an Asian man once."

"An Asian man?"

"Yes, an Asian man. I don't know his name, but I'm pretty sure if I saw him, I could point him out."

"What happened during your first private show together?" I finish my cup. This is good.

"He was on the phone throughout the whole show. He looked obviously irritated with who he was talking with. He was spouting a lot of nonsense and talking about different animals. Saying things like the rat wouldn't come to dinner last night." This sake is delicious. I wonder if I can buy a bottle of this.

I grab the bottle of Sake to fill it, but Jackson grabs it out of my hand. "Stop drinking for a second, Brooklyn. We're finally getting somewhere."

"Getting where? He was spouting a bunch of nonsense."

Jackson grabs a nearby napkin and pulls out a pen from his pocket. "Did he talk about any other animals?" Come to think about it. Rodrigo did talk about other animals. Quite a few, to be completely honest.

"Yeah, I think he said something about maybe a rabbit and umm," what was it? A goat, not maybe a boar. A picture of a dragon catches my eye. That's it. "A dragon! He said rat, rabbit, and dragon. Yup, I remember it because it was so random. Here I am, tits out and in a red thong. And he's shouting about animals?"

Jackson writes all the animals' names on the napkin and starts to chew on the end of his pen. "What do all these animals have in common," he mutters to himself.

Our waitress approaches the table. "Can I get you two anything else?" She asks with a smile attached.

Jackson looks up to her and says, "Yes, you can. My girlfriend and I can't figure something out." Girlfriend? He couldn't have just said, co-worker. Whatever, filling my glass with more Sake.


"So, my girlfriend and I were doing a quiz, and the question is, what do all of these animals have in common?" He shows her the napkin. I take this time to fill my glass again.

"A rat, rabbit, and dragon. Hmmm, let me think."

Without even looking at me, he takes the glass before it touches my lips. Bastard, why can't I drink in peace. I attempt to grab the cup from his hand, but his grip is too strong. Jackson, you strong bastard. Give me my cup back. The worst part of the matter is that while I'm struggling to get the cup. Jackson's eyes are focused on the girl. As if my struggle is like an annoying fly.

"At first, I thought they were all household animals, but that doesn't explain the dragon," he starts keeping a firm grip on my cup.

The young waitress snaps her fingers. "The Chinese zodiac. That's where all these animals have in common. They are a part of the Chinese zodiac. I watched an anime about it once."

I've heard of the Chinese zodiac before, but I can't say I know all the animals off hand. Jackson opens his phone and starts to read something letting the glass go.

"Bastard," I mutter under my breath, downing the drink. I smile up at the waitress. "Thanks for the help, love. Can you get me another bottle of Sake, please?" The young waitress bows to us and walks away.

"Did you find something good?" Jackson starts scribbling more words onto the napkin, completely ignoring me. "Hey, are you listening to me?" He continues writing random words on the paper, looking at his phone than at the piece of paper.

Now he chooses to not talk to me.

"I think I figured it out...or kind of." He keeps his eyes on the paper.

The Assassin Named Brooklyn now called Deadly Sins | Mafia Romance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now