Chapter 32

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I heard the door close and I stripped down to nothing and walked over to the shower, a whole car could fit in here.

"How do I turn this on?" I asked myself while looking for a button or something.

"Turning shower on." A very robotic voice went through the bathroom. My eyes went wide as I watched the shower turn on. There was a shower head in the middle of the shower that came straight down, jets coming out of the sides, and music started playing.

"Ummmm... Taylor Swift?" I said out loud to see if the robotic person would play her. There were speakers in the shower.

"Taylor Swift music on." It said.
I was now in the shower jamming to Taylor Swift, when you walked in the shower, the glass doors close automatically. Three sides of the shower are gray granite and there's a little granite bench across one of the walls. I could live in this shower.

Let's face it, I was done washing up about 10 minutes ago. But, I just don't want to leave.

"Five more minutes." I said to myself. Five minutes went by and the shower shut off.

"Hey!" I yelled while the glass doors opened.

"Five minutes is up." The robotic voice said.

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