Yang looked down at bright yellow mechanical arm, watching as her finger twiddled around. It always surprised her how naturally it moved instead of robotically operative. "Well I'm better now."

Blake grabbed Yang's mech arm. "She did this for ME, mom. She's like this because of me.."

Tears started swelling up in Blake's eyes as she look at her shocked mother.
"Adam...Adam would've killed me if she hadn't stepped in. She almost died trying to protect me."

A tear fell from Kali's eyes as she shook her head. "Adam?....How dare he? Just wait until I get my hands on him-"

"He's not really a problem anymore." Yang chimed in.

Blake held her head down, black locks of hair falling around her face.

Kali looked at them both suspiciously before going up to Yang.
"I thank you for what you did. Thank you for protecting my baby. I'm sorry you went through that."

Before Yang could respond she was trapped into Kali's embrace.
"I'm glad you kept her safe but were your parents upset?"

"It's just my dad. He was worried about me but when I told him the reason, he understood."

"Being a parent myself, I know most would probably be upset if their child got a grave injury for a friend. It sounds selfish but some are just very overprotective, like my husband."

"Well Blake isn't just a friend...she's..we're together. And I'd do it all over again if it met protecting her."

Kali smiled brightly at the young love.
"I see."

Blake rubbed the back of her head."You aren't mad or..."

"Why would I be mad honey? Love is love."

"So you're okay with her being a human?"

"There's no reason for me not to be."

Blake hopped up and hugged her mom. "I'm just glad you're respecting my decision."

"Don't thank me too fast. You know how your father is. He'll probably be interrogating the poor girl."

Yang immediately gulped after hearing that.

"I was going to let you girls spend the night in Blake's childhood room, now that I know you're together...no funny business sweetie."

"Mom!" Blake shouted, turning around to see Yang in fits of laughter.

A Few Hours Later...

Blake's old room was small and cozy. There were some modern artwork on the grey walls along with pictures of an adorable baby Blake.

Her small bed was fit with a violet blanket and silk black pillows. The bed itself faced the door and was pushed back to the far wall. As comfortable as it looked, it wouldn't be comfortable fitting 2 full grown young adults on the bed.

Blake sat up halfway and laid her head back on her silky pillow. Her legs were bent and propped up the book she was currently reading on them. Yang was laying sideways, resting her head on her lap.
"Whatcha reading?" Yang asked as she was poking her bended knee.

I Won't Break My Promise. (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now