62: an ally

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S I X T Y - T W O


"Good morning everyone! Today is a beautiful day!" Hoseok cheerfully said.

"What day is it today?" Yoongi snickered as Hoseok's dainty smile faded.

"Screw you Yoongi."

"Happy birthday Hoseokie-hyung!" Jimin approached with a tight hug on the older.

"Thank you Jimin. At least you remember it."

"I was just joking Hoseok! You know wouldn't forget your birthday!" Yoongi exclaimed, clearly he forgot.

"Another dinner night everyone!" Namjoon interrupted.

Hoseok laughed and went to Taehyung's room, as entered the room it was cold, quiet with messy papers on the floor.

"What could have possibly happen last night?" Hoseok thought.

He went towards Taehyung's bed and saw the boy sleeping but with a troubled face mumbling some words.

"Don't you kill her or I will kill you." Taehyung mumbled in his sleep as Hoseok looked at him with a troubled expression.

Hoseok placed his hand onto the younger's shoulder and shook him gently to wake up. The younger's eyes shot up and he sat down in a rush with heavy breathing.

"A crazy dream huh?" Hoseok said.

Taehyung caught his breath and snapped back into reality, he looked at Hoseok with fright in his eyes.

Taehyung sat up and breathed, "Are the bulletproof vests ready?"

"A few of them arrived. Enough for 15 people." Hoseok answered.

"Okay good. Happy Birthday Hoseokie-hyung. We're going out tonight." Taehyung declared with a little smile on his face.

Hoseok smiled back with a worried feeling deep inside him. He can feel that something's bothering Taehyung but he shrugged it off because it might trigger him.

"Hyung, let's all go eat breakfast together." Taehyung called, his color slowly going back to normal.

"Ah, I'll be there in a second." Hoseok snapped as Taehyung left his own room leaving Hoseok alone.

"Something is really bothering that boy. I can feel it." Hoseok thought.

He stood up from the bed and went to Taehyung's desk where his laptop was placed above it. He opened it knowing the passcode since all of his passcodes were the same.

Opening the email app, he scanned through it and saw the spam mails.

Seeing all of it was from their nemesis, El Mariano.

Hoseok opened one mail from him and read it. It was the most recent one, he read it with agitation as the mail said,

"Taehyung Kim, Hahaha! I heard today is your teammates's birthday. I'm sending one of my guards. You need to be careful these days. I might be watching you. Watch out and guard your princess which would be my bride soon. You better be careful or else it's your loss. Sincerely, El Mariano."

Hoseok was completely in shock. He won't even move a muscle after reading that email. He placed the tablet back where it was originally placed and left Taehyung's room with a thorn on his heart.

He's hurt and scared for the sake of everyone. Especially Y/N who he wanted to treat as if she was his own sister.

Now is the time to stay alert. Hoseok took his phone out and ran to his room for a minute as everyone were already making noises downstairs.

Forced to be the Mafia's Wife | KTH [PAUSED] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora