46: take it off

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F O R T Y - S I X

Note: R16. This chapter includes making out scenes and strong language. If you feel uncomfortable of reading it please skip and move to the next page.


"It's so hot!" Y/N groaned as she kept wiggling all over the bed trying to get the dress off. Taehyung heard her groan and made him look back at Y/N's figure.

"Take it off please it's so hot!" Y/N whined. Taehyung didn't know what to do he's just looking at her.

"Please it's so hot!" Y/N whined once again tugging the hem of her dress. Y/N kept whining about the hotness she's feeling. Her drunken state did it to her. Taehyung was having a dilemma of whether he should take it off or not.

Y/N sat up with a sour expression, her hair was slightly messed up and her hickey was vibrant on her neck.

"Mr. Kim please help me take it off," Y/N pleaded with half closed eyes and continuously pulling the hem of her dress. "Pleeeaaaaseeee?"

Taehyung hissed, he stood up and took an oversized shirt from is drawer. The one that would fit to cover Y/N's body.

"Here," Taehyung mumbled as he gave the shirt.

Y/N was sitting up with closed eyes and an open mouth. From the dim room with small light access, her flushed drunk cheeks were vibrant with glistening cold sweat on her head.

"Help me pleeeeeaaseeeee!" She whined and kicked.

Taehyung hissed, he'll see Y/N in her underwear if he takes the dress off.

But Y/N's whining and noises is too much, she would probably wake the others up. Hesitantly, Taehyung breathe in and out and started to take the dress off.

Y/N giggled and wiggled, "I'm very ticklish!"

Taehyung smirked as he took off the dress, seeing Y/N like this turns him on. As his fingers touch Y/N soft and delicate smooth skin, Y/N giggles.

"Mr. Kim!!! Stop!!! Don't tickle me pleathe," She giggled with her eyes closed.

Taehyung was trying to control his feelings. All he wants to do is to kiss Y/N.

"Baby, come on wear this," Taehyung said in his deep voice as he almost wore the shirt on Y/N.

Y/N moved close and giggled as she hugged Taehyung. "Mr. Kim I love you so much."

Her drunken state has taken over her whole consciousness. She begins to say things that she wouldn't say. She keeps giggling until she got hiccups.

"Help me, Mr. Kim," Y/N whined. "I need love."

Taehyung's eyes widened, he really wants to touch Y/N. All of a sudden, he walked towards the door and locked it.

"Fuck, I can't do this anymore. I can't control it," Taehyung cursed with his deep voice as he sat down beside Y/N.

He immediately attacked Y/N down on his bed, trapping her in his arms as Y/N giggled and wiggled all over the surface.

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