20: gone

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[ Chungha & Taeyong's Point Of View ]

"Shit! Where is Chungha?!" Taeyong cursed as he ran searching for Chungha.

She was at the food and drinks bar drinking. Taeyong ran towards her.

"Chungha." Taeyong said as he was gasping for air and Chungha looked at him.

"W-why? What happened?" Chungha asked trembling and placed the glass back on the table.

"Y/N." Taeyong said as he was still catching his breath.

"What?! What happened?!" Chungha started panicking.

Taeyong held Chungha's arm and dragged her to a private room inside the venue where people won't notice them.

"Chungha. I can't find Y/N." Taeyong sighed.

"What?! Shit." Chungha cursed as she was about to pull her hair at this point.

"She was gone before I can open the door." Taeyong said with worry on his face.

Chungha crouched and really looked stressed out didn't know what to do.

"All I saw was this. I think someone hit her on the head and abducted her," Taeyong sighed as he brought your purse which was left on the floor.

"H-how did y-you know?" Chungha confusingly asked.

"I h-heard a bang. It heard like a metal bang." Taeyong stuttered as he was trembling in fear.

"Shit!!!" Chungha cursed as she started to pull her hair.

Chungha stood up again pulled Taeyong by the arm and went to her seat to get her purse as Taeyong was still holding your purse. Chungha dragged Taeyong outside.

"Taeyong, I know you're confused but we need to go to Y/N's house. Now," Chungha said really serious as Taeyong was really confused but he just let it slide.

Chungha and Taeyong went to Taeyong's car and Taeyong started driving.


"What are you going to do to her hyung?" Jungkook asked as he drove.

"I'm just going to talk to her. Keep driving gguk," Taehyung said as he glared at Jungkook who was driving to their house.

"Aish! Taehyung-ah why did you have to assign this to me. I think I hit her too hard. She looks really awful," Jimin said as he took of his mask, gloves and jacket. He looked at your unconscious body on his lap with pity.

"Aish Chim! I told you to don't go hard! Ugh. Just deal with it Chim if you don't want to be fired," Taehyung said as he stared at Jimin.

He looked at the back and glanced at your unconscious body. He looked back again and opened his phone to call his family doctor.


Taeyong continued driving as Chungha gave glares.

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