"Americano, two extra shots."

A young woman whisked the drink away, ear to her cellphone as she spoke to someone. She flashes Keith a smile, leaving a tip on the counter as a thank you before heading to her corner seat where an open laptop was.

Keith turns to you as he swipes the ones into his pocket, expecting another order to be already waiting for him. Instead, he sees you smiling at him, relief on your face.

"We finally got through it."

Keith looks at you puzzled, not quite understanding.


"That stupidly long line."

Keith looks over the counter curiously and, with delight, sees you're right: The line which had previous been out the door and on the street had diminished into nothing.

"That's a relief." Keith comments, sharing your appeasement. He leans against the counter, bracing himself with his hands, "What do we do now?"

"Well I don't know about you," You begin, starting to pull at the strings of your black apron, "But my break starts in nearly fifteen minutes."

Keith groans, rolling his eyes in distaste.

"Great- Now I'm stuck with 'Lover Boy Lance'."

You laugh lightly at his disdain, finding it amusing. Keith can hardly stop himself from grinning at your joy, your jubilence contagious from a mile away. He watches you snicker to yourself, loving the way your eyes turned into crescents as the smallest hint of white flashes between your soft looking lips.

If only...

"Well you can take it early, I know you have a test coming up in physics."

You look at Keith in genuine, but thankful, surprise.


Keith nods, grin dying down to a closed mouth smile of reassurance, "Yeah, why not? It's not like there's a bunch of orders coming in. Besides, I took physics last year: It's best to be prepared."

You both, plus Shiro, all went to the same college. Pidge, Lance, and Hunk went to a neighboring one that was in walking distance of your own. You were sophomore and Keith was a junior. Shiro had already graduated, but was taking the extra year to learn how to be a professor.

You smile brightly as hang your black apron on a wall hanger, "Thanks, Keith. I owe you one."

Keith turns away, hiding his flushing cheeks before you get a chance to notice, "Don't mention it. Just tell Shiro so he knows."

"You got it."


You watch Keith for a moment as he turns away from you, eyes drifting from his toned back, (which was on display from the tight shirt he wore), to the adorably cute floof, of hair on the back of his head.

You're not sure when Keith started putting his hair in ponytails, but you weren't complaining: It was the definition of precious, especially on someone as rough around the edges as Keith.

You want to comment on it, say it looks nice, but you don't. Compliments always seemed to make Keith nervous- He would always smile, be polite, but then find some excuse to get away while he hid his face.

It made you feel bad so you didn't do it often.

Looking away from Keith as he seemingly messes with the espresso machine, you go to search for Shiro. For a big man, he was unusually hard to find. You peek into the back, but only see Hunk inspecting the chocolate croissants he just finished baking and Pidge sitting cross legged on a table, infront of her being one of her robotics class devices. She appeared to be scowling.

Keith x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now