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Song; Broken Arrows-Avicii

Song; Broken Arrows-Avicii

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Art Pov;

I'm here in Texas for many reasons but mostly for the parents, I lost. When Alek moved to Texas I followed like a lost puppy. I have been in love with him since the moment he saved me. But Alek is a straight man with a huge appetite and control freak. He has taken me to clubs in New York that he's taken up as a hobby, and has let me but part of a scene. Don't get me wrong I love ladies just as much; their soft skin round curves, their arousal sweet smell, just way they melt in your hands is the most amazing thing to see.
And with the right man, they can unfold to a true goddess. But something about a dominating man with a strong mind drove me insane, I want to submit to their will. Alek was just that a dominate man with demons but heart of gold. No one really got to see that but a few handfuls of people. During many threesome scenes just seeing a woman lips around his thick shaft drove me insanely jealous. There was a time I felt like he caught me looking but never mention it.

He wasn't a man to put you down, he was a man to bring you up and show you the best in yourself. But it still couldn't help how I felt; I questioned myself if it was only infatuated because he shows me kindness and became my only person in my life that cared about me.

When I first landed in Texas, Alek was to start a new life, he was no longer the devils' dog but a normal man with personal demons. But as a favor, he kept tabs on someone.

A woman that was a lot closer than I imagine my father's pride and joy-Emma.

My father- a man that was a Marine specialist, a license to kill and that he did plenty of.
I was left to be raised by a woman that called herself my grandmother to only find out she left me in some orphanage in New York, states away from my parents.
Ray my father stated my mother was young and grew in a strict Catholic household, and he was just shipped out to the Marines. My grandmother was supposed to care for me until he came back, but when he did I was nowhere to be found.
He said he tried looking for me but never could find me and the answer was because my name was changed from Aaron Ray Ruiz to Arturo Ponce.
To say I was angry towards a man who couldn't find me, well I wasn't.
Two poor young people couldn't take care of me, he was only eighteen and my mother was fifteen. A mother I still don't know much about because he didn't speak about her. With that, here I am sitting at Emma's; apartment for the fourth week, eating Chinese food watching cheesy eighties movies in silent. Emma became a woman I couldn't touch but wanted to, I desire her more than anyone in this life.
Shit, she made me forget about Alek and my fuck up childhood.
Sometimes I couldn't help to stare into those dark sunken eyes of hers that is consumed of pain, the pain I knew too much of. I didn't pity her any way,  quite opposite, I admire her strength and spirit.

But something about tonight didn't seem quite right.

But something about tonight didn't seem quite right

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