Years prior

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Unfortunately, Francisco Valentino took it all; your soul plus others

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Unfortunately, Francisco Valentino took it all; your soul plus others. That moment was almost two years ago when I was going to pick up Teddy at Casino he was working at, when I spot two big gorilla looking motherfuckers beating him up. With my dear life, I beat them both up leaving them on ground fucking dying. At least I thought they were into I felt my body hit the ground and the world I knew went dark.

My eyes were struggling to open as I struggle to feel my body when it hit me, the pain on the back of my head, I let go of a grunt.

All the memories flashback, 'FUCK TEDDY' I try to shake my legs to touch the ground when I notice they're tied down, I turn my face to see Teddy next to me pissing his pants.

"Sei finalmente sveglio?"
I heard a deep musk voice speaking in a language I had no fucking clue what it was.

"LET HIM GO!" I yelled with all my rage to a man sitting across from no expression to his face, in a black expensive suit and right behind was a young guy just like me with stone-cold face with his arms crossing his chest.

I knew we were the same age by his young boyish face but his body looks like one that young Arnold. Not that it would matter because I knew things that only come from street fighting not from some fucking gym.

"No" I sat there in silence waiting for more but nothing come out of his mouth and I look around me to see who else stood around wiggling my fingers to get rope loose, calculating and looking for any way to escape. Just when I thought I can squeeze finger out, reach for my knife out my boots to throw at his face and kick the muscular kid ass.

As I'm picturing these moments I see the kid grunt as it seems like he's reading my mind. He walks over me to reach behind and tightly up against the rope, grabbing my shoes off my feet and tosses out my knives, 'FUCK FUCK FUCK.'

I hear a loud hardy laugh leave the man in suit mouth; this act just pisses me off more.


He stops laughing, "Name is Valentino, You see there's no escape even if you manage to try to kill me, you see my figlio here is train killer. And even If you manage to pass him, there is ten of men outside this door. Plus I have what you call it 'Deal' for you."


That's when he stands up and his dog stands behind with his eyes fixed only on me, not once does he blink and waiting for the next step he doesn't trust me which he shouldn't but I look back at Teddy his body is shaking and tears are only running down his face.

"I'm so sorry Georgie" that's all that he managed to come out of his mouth. "Don't be."

"GEORGGIEEE?" I hear he's voice mocking his nickname, quickly making me turn to face him with rage taking over my body; only my brothers can call me that, it was only to tease me because of my dislike of the movie, 'IT'.

"Look your brother here owns lot of money to this casino and since I'm now the owner I took over all accounts. And I want WHAT belongs to me!"

I turn to look back at Teddy and he now starts crying loudly, my body is filled with disappointment and all I can think of he owns money for drugs, I could easily be supplied him it for him, I have no clue why didn't come to me.

I notice a brody man with a bruised face walk in and staring at me with death stare handling the Valentino a folder. He reads and flips through all the pages and I'm waiting to see what's going to happen but the fucking anticipation is now killing me and Teddy now won't shut the fuck up with his damn loud fucking sobbing, if my hand would be loose I would already smack his face.

Valentinos' young dog looks at Teddy with disgust, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GAY! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STARING AT US?" I yell at him out of tension and rage. If I thought I had an ounce of freedom now I don't. I hear it again that evil hardy laugh, "Figlio is not gay I promise you that but if you're into some anal sex I'm pretty sure I can set you up with one my guys who were lock up a lot longer than he should." I hear Teddy now screaming, "NOOO, Look I'll get you the money I just need some more time!"

Valentino stands up, makes a snapping noise with his finger as a men gag up Teddy. I feel muscles contracting around the ropes, as Valentino gets closer stares at my now scared brother.

"There's nothing you can do, what is done is done. There is only one way to pay your debts that is bypassing it to someone else"

Valentino turns to look at me and Teddy is now pleading with me with his eyes, 'Please please'

At this point that's all I have been doing is saving and taking care of my brothers, "FINE! WHAT DO YOU WANT? NO, I WON'T FUCK YOUR DOG!" Valentino smirks, "No fucking involved. What is it with you Americans? All you think of is Sex and Rape is the best revenge and way to pay debts, but how wrong you are. The best way to bring a man to his knees is not with sex, no, ITS HIS HEART AND SOUL. See everyone wants to be loved and Soul makes you feel hmm what you Americans call it, save? Everyone feels the need to be saved." I take a deep breath and sit a little straighter because this is it. It is going to be no saving for me but I will always save my brothers.

"Figlio, you took down two of my men, they are my strongest men. I want to start underground fighting in this piece of the shit casino I think you would be perfect."

I look down with defeat for the first time, all the times I ever fight was to save me from a fuck-up world now I'm going to fight to save my brother's life.


"Perfezionare, Meet us here tomorrow by five am."


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