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The smell of iron and musk has been engraved in my memory for years now,which is now been twelve years.
Even with the bag over my head taking me to a hidden location where the smell of metallic only gets worse, the only difference is the noise.
People screaming, "Death Machine, DEATH MACHINE!"

I stood there in the ring with my hands' bandage, and dark shorts. Staring at my opponent, big Russian looking fucker with black ink all over his body. I had some of my own with white power tattoos that were now covered up with a mix of color and black ink. As I study this mother Russia running towards me, he's was at least six feet three and over two hundred fifty pounds. Where I stood at hundred seventy and five-ten which made it easier for me to move faster and kick higher. I don't instantly run towards him, I move around dodging all his hits making him tired. Saving my energy looking for his weakness when I spotted it, he's too muscular to make quick moves and couldn't lift his leg higher than a couple inches off the ground.
That can only mean two things; he was too big or two it's an old injury. I jumping away as his places on his strength into his right arm aiming for my head.

I climb the fence to jump into the top of head punching down as I land on making the splits and punching his right knee with both of my hands. He made him let out a painful scream as all the bone cartilage crack! I knew it he had a weak knee.

This was going to be his end.
He punches my face making the copper taste of blood filled my mouth. I stood up he made his slow movement towards me. I jump into the air using all of my body to kick his chest with both legs as I land on my back jumping right back on my two feet. As the ball in pain, I aim for his knees again and that was it.

He was going to go down but to make sure I landed a kick one more time and his face turns as he spits out blood as he's big body lands hard into the mat. The crowd went crazy! Screaming, 'Death Machine Death machine! '

As usual, I get to send to the back of a mock locker room instead of having three girls wait for me when I was Valentino prize possession. I had the warden himself  waiting for me with two big bulky men by his side, "Parker, great fight out there."

I sat there waiting for what was going to come next, "But I need you last a little longer there's no sense in having a fight last only five minutes. I think you're forgetting who you belong to."

For some reason I wanted to belong to Valentino again, as fuck up it was ; Valentino only wanted my soul but this fucker wanted my body as if I was a fucking dog.

I didn't say anything for the moment all I can remember was getting jump by these fuckers. Darkness filling in my eyes.

 Darkness filling in my eyes

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