Chapter 44

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Genma watched at the crowd tapped his finger as they whispered and cheered in both confusion and excitement due to the names on the board. Uzumaki Naruto Vs. Uchiha Sasuke Vs. Fu. A three-way battle.

"This is the final battle. Due to the odd number of competitors, this battle will be a one versus one, versus one battle. It will commence in ten minutes. 

Naruto sighed and pulled gloves over his hands. Something was off, he could feel it in his gut. It writhed and flipped around, making him feel sick. He wasn't scared of the upcoming battle, he knew that for sure. Something was going to happen. 

"Naruto," Naruto glanced up at the voice and rolled his eyes. 

"What do you want, father," snarled Naruto and stuffed his hands in his pockets, walking past Minato. "I won't accept you as a father. I've told you this."

"Then," Minato paused, looking at the ground. He tossed a scroll at Naruto. "Let me wish you good luck as a teacher," Minato said before looking back at Naruto.

Naruto stared back for the slightest second to feel remorse and turned away, dashing towards his apartment. Minato sighed, dealing hoping that nothing bad would happen. He knew however, that wasn't the case. Sasuke's eyes earlier in the day...

Gritting his teeth, he walked back to the arena. The battle started in five minutes. 


Looking at the scroll, he noticed a seal on it. Quickly writing over them, he unlocked it, and the scroll grew in size. Opening it, he saw signatures in blood written on it. Naruto read the names. Otsutsuki Harogoromo, Jiraya, Namikaze Minato. Each had a handprint underneath the names. Naruto hummed in interest. 

He didn't mind learning to summon, but if he wanted the Sanin or the Hokage to train him, Naruto didn't know. biting his thumb, Naruto glanced at it to make sure it was bleeding, and then signed his name, and then his fingerprints. 

Naruto chuckled. Family members really do take after each other, he thought. However, not fully. Glancing at the time, Naruto's eyes widened, and he jolted upwards and quickly gathered more supplies and rushed out of the building at full speed. He couldn't be late for this!

As he rushed into the arena, Naruto panted, and grabbed a provided water bottle and gulped it down. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, and smirked. "I'm ready, datte'bayo!" He put his hands in his pockets and walked out to the arena, Sasuke and Fu following in their own fashion. Sasuke did a bunch of tricks and Fu was flying after regenerating her wing and chakra with the help of medics. 

Naruto glanced at them and leisurely walked - much like Shikamaru. Genma looked at the genin and nodded. "Final battle of the Chunin exams, commence!" he shouted, skidding backward of the front ends of his feet, and then jumped onto the wall, and watched from above. This was going to one chaotic fight. Two doujustu and two jinchuriki.  

Naruto and Sasuke both drew kunai, while Fu jumped over them and hovered. "Sasuke, will you be my friend? Naruto's my friend!" 

Sasuke glanced up at her, then back at Naruto the tension growing between the three. "That's matters for another time," Sasuke scoffed while activating his Sharingan. 

Naruto bit his lip. He couldn't get it out of his head, something was going to happen! He needed to focus. Pouring chakra into his eyes, he activated his rinnegan. No one moved. Finally, after a few minutes of no movement from anyone, Naruto formed a cross in front of his chest and summoned a hundred shadow clones. All of them started running, at once, and the real Naruto joined this mix. Kunai were thrown everywhere, Sasuke dodged three, got cut once on the arm. Dodged two, cut by three behind him. 

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