chapter 13

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"Konoha Leaf Hurricane!"

Dosu and Zaku moaned in pain as Lee's leg hit their arms, knocking them back into a tree. "I see you powerful in taijutsu, but our sound, is faster than any physical training..." spoke Zaku, aggravated.

"We'll have to see," responded Lee, ready for the challenge. Zaku just smirked. Looks like I'll have to use the lotus... Lee began to undo the cloth around his arms in order to do the lotus. Dosu and Zaku just smirked before Lee disappeared from sight. Lee came back into view, but not very long. In that split second, Lee slid on the ground and kicked Dosu into the ground. Then tied Dosu in the cloth, soaring through the air. It was a very graceful move. Or though it seemed to Sakura. She'd already seen it. Well, most of it anyway. As soon as Sakura finished her train of thought, Lee and Dosu began crashing down to earth, spinning. Zaku, Dosu, and Kin all knew if that Dosu didn't do anything, it would be the end for him. Dosu used a short and silent sound Justu to uproot a small but soft section of earth. When they landed, Dosu had no serious injuries, sparing him his life. "I-Impossible..."

"Zaku, Kin. I'm going to deal with the Uchiha. You two heal with these pests."

Lee stepped forward to protect Sasuke and Naruto. "I won't let you get past me. You are very unyouthful!" Zaku just smirked at Lee's antics.

"I'm you're opponent, Bowl-cut man. And like we said, you're no match for us! let me say it again. Our power is..." Zaku sounded his Justu. "Supersonic!"

"Lee-san!" Sakura looked at Lee in agony. "Lee, your ears are bleeding!" Lee didn't move, but just stared at the ground and coughed up blood before putting a hand to his ear. Sakura attempted to get up, but her hair was grabbed from behind.

"Kin, I'll let you deal with her..." muttered Zaku as he sat on a log.

Memories of Sasuke and Naruto flashed into Sakura's eyes while Lee fainted. "They *sob* always protected...*sob* me.."

"You're not fit to be a shinobi. Long pink hair, a weak body, You're no Kunoichi. Not only that, but you're crying!" spat Kin with venom in her voice. This struck Sakura, hard.

"I'm... I'm not weak!" Sakura took the Kunai she was holding and cut her hair that Kin was holding. Dosu and Zaku just stared, not expecting the Leaf kunoichi to cut her hair. As she stood up, a flash appeared before her and went to Dosu. The flash didn't startle her. However, who was in front of her did.

"Expansion Justu!" Sakura smiled as she heard the voice of Choji, who grabbed Dosu and threw him into a tree, knocking him out.

"Choji, wait," sounded Shikamaru. "Grab hold of the girl." Choji did this. "Shadow Possession Justu!" Choji immediately let's go as the shadow touched the Kin.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves... I am Nara Shikamaru. This is team ten... Yamaka Ino and Akimichi Choji are my teammates," muttered Shikamaru lazily.

"I don't care who you are. Let me go!" Kin tried to move but couldn't.

"You will not escape any of our secret justu, Missy," voiced Ino.

"Ino... Now!"

"Mind-body switch Justu!"

"Nice work Ino!" cheered Choji.

Zaku just grimaced. "Do you really think I won't Attack my teammate?" Zaku finished as Dosu woke up. Shikamaru put a shadow Justu on him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, how about this... Decapitating Airwaves!" This Justu caused Kin's body to fly back into a tree, but not knocking Ino out.

"How dare you attack your own teammate!" Ino left Kin's body, leaving the girl still responding.

"It appears that you have underestimated your enemy," came a new voice above. "That green ninja is ours. We would take him and leave but considering the fact that you have harmed him, we have no choice but to join this fight..." Neji and Tenten were about to rush down when Sasuke wakened and punched Dosu, who'd been free from Shikamaru's shadow justu for about a minute now. Then he headed for Zaku.

"It seems you value your arm... How 'bout I Break 'em!"

"Sasuke-kun no!" The curse mark spreading throughout Sasuke's body didn't go unnoticed by Sakura. This is not the Sasuke I know and love...

"Guess we won't join then.."

"Enough, Sasuke!" Everyone stopped moving for a minute before looking at Naruto. "You don't need to torture anyone, let them go, they'll leave."

"Yea right, shrimp!" laughed Zaku. Sasuke pressed harder into Zaku's back. "Arg!"


"Do you think you can challenge me Naruto? Because if you do... That is a big mistake..." spat Sasuke, activating his sharingan.

"If a battle is what you want... fight me," spoke Naruto calmly, before adopting his own eyes into the Rinnegan that the Kyuubi had told him about.

Sasuke let go of Zaku, who ran off in fear, his team following. "Fine then dobe. Fire Style: Fireball Justu!"

Naruto was not phased by this. "This is boring... Blade of Wind Hurricane Justu!" Immediately after the hand signs were made, a hurricane of wind showed, blowing the fire back at Sasuke, only stronger.

Team Gai

Neji and Tenten decided to get Lee before watching the fight. After they got him, Neji activated the byakugan looking at Sasuke's eyes then Naruto's. "Interesting..."
"What is it Neji-kun?"

"Well Sasuke has his sharingan activated, Naruto has these orange eyes with one black ring... It looks a lot like the rinnegan... Only orange..."

"Rinnegan? Isn't that a myth? The only person thought to have that eye is The Sage of Six Paths..."

While the two watched, Naruto lifted Sasuke into the air, and hit him with his hand, engulfed in chakra. Sasuke screamed in pain as Naruto cut about an inch into Sasuke's arm and threw him into a tree, causing the tree to fall and dust to crowd the clearing. When Naruto settled, he noticed Team Ten, Neji's team, and ninja weapons everywhere. "We better get going."

A/N: I thought that these two songs in the last two chapters were good to include because of they about the sakura trees in Japan. The songs are both very similar as well.  And Sakura in the story has done a good amount of work :). No, I'm not a Sakura hater!

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