Chapter 3

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Minato swore he wouldn't come back to see his son, but there was just something drawing him in. Minato didn't know what it was. Was it the fact that his son was so adorable around him? What was it? Minato watched as a group of Konoha Shinobi walked out the gates of the Hidden Leaf. He waited until one of his former students, disappeared with his own students: Neji, Rock Lee, and Tenten. After they disappeared from sight, Minato made three shadow clones, then henged them. Three walked towards the gates while Minato henged himself to look like Rock Lee, and ran back into the village.

"Back so soon, Lee?" asked the Guards at the gates. Minato didn't answer.

"He forgot his equipment sack," Explained the henged "Neji".

Minato ran towards his son's home, made a shadow clone and had it run back to the gates henged as Lee. Afterward, the three shadow clones released themselves after disappearing from sight.


"What!"He began to frantically look around. He was walking by, and the guards had left their post! He was gonna beat them... They let someone in, and no one knew who it was!


 Minato knocked on his son's door. No one answered. He knocked again. Still no answer. "Naruto? you there?" Still no answer. Minato sighed and was about to open the door when he realized it would be better to just teleport in. After all, his son did have one of his special kunai. Minato teleported in to see his son sleeping soundly. Minato chuckled to himself and sat next to Naruto on the bed. "Naruto," Minato said shaking his son awake.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and to his surprise of Minato being there, he almost screamed. Seeing this Minato cupped his hand over Naruto's mouth.

"What are you doing here?" asked Naruto as he calmed down realizing that the person before him was nonother than Minato Namikaze, his friend.

"It's your birthday silly, remember?"

"Oh..." Naruto said dully but quickly changed to a smile as he remembered Minato was there. "I'm in the ninja academy now."

"Oh, well that's good to hear. Naruto why not go outside?"
"Haven't I already told you? I don't like going out on my birthday..."

"Why not?" Minato said firmly.

"I just don't, okay!"

Minato hurt by his son's reaction he looked at the floor. Something was up, just like last year.

" I'm sorry, you're right," said Minato in a sad tone. "Anyway, I have your gift," Minato's voice changing from depressed to happy. Naruto's eye's brightened and Minato gave him the wrapped gift.

"Scrolls?" Naruto said as he finished tearing away the wrapping paper.

"Not just any scrolls, Justu scrolls."

"Oh, What type?"

"One of each, Ninjustu, Genjustu, and Taijutsu. Ninjutsu has some of justu that I use, and some of the Fourth Hokage, and all my sensei's etc. Taijutsu has some of the best taijutsu user's techniques and Genjustu from the Kurama clan. If you ever find my student Hatake Kakashi, he has a mask on I would like you to say hi to him and let him know I'm alive.

Naruto was staring at the scrolls, smiling brightly. "Okay!"

"One more thing, you must never use this justu where someone can see them."

"Yes sir," Naruto's eyes fixed on the scrolls in his hands. Minato sensed someone outside the door.

Third Hokage

"- Never use this justu where someone can see them."

Sarutobi stopped outside of Naruto's apartment door and looked at it

"That voice..."

Without knocking Sarutobi opened the door to see Naruto sitting on the bed with three scrolls in his hands, staring at him, open wind, and a yellow blur.

"He's back..." Sarutobi said, words escaping his thoughts and through his mouth.

"Old man... what are you talking about?"

"Pardon Naruto just wanted to check on how you were doing."

"Didn't have to slam open my door for that you could have just knocked."

"Pardon my behavior."


"Naruto," Third Hokage said grabbing a pen, paper, and an envelope." Give this to the man you just say at this exact time," Sarutobi said writing a not the Yondaime. Sticking it in the in the envelope, writing the time and date of when to open it. "- there is a self-destruct bomb on this paper that will destroy this note if it is opened before this time, understand?"


Minato/Naruto(before Sarutobi comes in)

"Naruto I have to go."

"So soon..." Naruto Whined.

"I'm sorry but I can't be seen here. I'll see you next year."

"What if I'm on a spectacularly, awesome mission and I'm with my comrades?"

"Then I'll either teleport to you, taking the risk... Or I'll come and find you."

"You promise?"

"Yea, I promise kid. I'll see you later," Minato said tickling Naruto. Within a split second, Minato was gone and Old man Hokage walked in.

"That voice..."

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