Chapter 29

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Kakashi watched as Sasuke and the black-haired boy separates from the group, becoming engulfed in the mist.

Kakashi ran towards them, but Zabuza jumped in front of him. "You're opponent is me, Ka... Ka... Shi..." Zabuza said slowly, taunting Kakashi in a menacing tone.

Standing up straight, Kakashi sighed, frowned, and lifted his headband up, revealing his famous sharingan. Kakashi watched as Zabuza swung his sword at him. Flipping backward, Kakashi then invaded another strike from Zabuza by ducking down. Kakashi didn't have a sword at all, but kunai was enough. 

The sword swung again, and again at Kakashi's head, stomach, or chest. Every step he backed up, he inched closer to the edge of the bridge. Every step he took, was a step closer to falling. Ten steps... Eleven steps... Fifteen steps... Twenty steps... 

In seconds, if he didn't move, he'd fall off... Another swing came straight down as if Zabuza was now trying to cut him in half-vertically. Taking he kunai, he held the sword in its closing proximity. 

The sound of metal on metal, small smarks every so often as the kunai slipped. He grabbed the sharp end of the kunai, it cut into his skin, as he tried to hold the sword at bay. Blood dripped from the laceration and soaked the glove. He panted, and the slight yet annoying pain from the kunai in his hand dug slowly deeper into his skin, deepening the wound, making more blood leak out. 

Zabuza chuckled, and suddenly lifting his sword. Kakashi stumbled forward, as all his weight he was pushing onto the sword, was no longer supported. Zabuza took the chance, and as Kakashi just barely regained his balance, he faced the end of the bridge and cut Kakashi in half. 

"Oh, Kakashi... You're so w-" Zabuza was cut short by a sudden 'poof'. "What! Shadow clone? Darn." (A/N: I'm sworry I don't use swear words! <3 Please don't kill me.)

Kakashi appeared behind Zabuza, kunai to his neck. "It's over, Zabuza," Kakashi said. Zabuza chuckled, but instead of giving up, he swung his sword backward, to where he couldn't even see. 

Jumping over it, he shoved a kunai into Zabuza's arm. Zabuza didn't even flinch, and just seemed to accept the pain, to welcome it. As Kakashi backed away, Zabuza formed a water clone, and then took the kunai out of his arm, blood leaking from the wound. 

They were almost equal in power and strategies. Both had been ANBUm with high rankings, and both were given titles. Demon, and Copy Ninja. "I have to admit, even without the flash, you're quite skilled yourself," Zabuza spoke slowly, tightening his grip on his sword. 

"I could say the same for yourself," Kakashi's eyes scanned the mist, in hopes of seeing one of his students. 

Zabuza had disappeared in the mist. Kakashi figured, that he was coming after him. He drew a kunai and got ready for an attack, but nothing came. His eyes widened, and he frantically searched. "Sakura, protect  Tazuna!" 

"Too late, Kakashi!" Zabuza started to swing his sword at Sakura and Tazuna, and Kakashi frantically sprinted forward, towards them. Anything to get closer, to protect them. 



Sakura held onto the kunai she was gripping, try to not let go, and hold the sword off. She knew she didn't have long until her muscles gave in, he was too strong for her. Slowly, her muscles gave in, give out on her. The sword was less than an inch from cutting her in half, but it didn't touch her. 

Instead, all she heard was Naruto's voice. "Bansho Ten'in" 

She opened her eyes, that she didn't even notice she'd squoze shut. Naruto was holding Zabuza, however, because he was taller, more muscular, and stronger, he easily got free from Naruto's grasp. He swung, but Naruto extended his hand, and the blade clashed to the ground. 

"You shouldn't try," said Naruto, hate his eyes. Retreating chakra from his eyes, his beautiful orange rinnegan disappeared into his ocean blue eyes. 

"Well, you're a challenge like your father, whiskers, but are you that good?" Zabuza's eyes were glaring towers, staring down at Naruto.  

Naruto said nothing but then turned to Kakashi who was nearby. "Sasuke," Naruto said. 

Kakashi clearly understood what he was wondering. He was asking where Sasuke was. "Fighting a long-haired boy," he said, thinking. "Go help him, I can manage Zabuza."

"Haku's too strong of them," Zabuza said, smirking, as he picked up his beheading sword. 

Sakura watched as Naruto rushed off into the mist. 


Sasuke panted, sebon had cut it clothes, and pierced his skin in multiple places, including his arms, stomach, and legs. There was also a few scratches on his cheeks. 

"Hey brat, you can't beat him on you're own... Why not let me give you..."

Sasuke continued to pant, but his eye's widened. He'd completely forgotten about the demon hidden inside of him. "What do you want in return?" 

The lurking demon paused and started to chuckle. "I've told you... The only real thing I want at the moment is the Kyuubi to be dead."

"Fine," Sasuke said, as the demon poured his chakra into him. Unlike most demon chakra, it was purple. Dark, dark purple, with black streaks in it. 

"You hold great power, Uchiha, Sasuke, but how can you conceal, and use that chakra, is the question..." The boy pondered. He seemed to be staring, but Sasuke couldn't tell with the mask present. 

"Come at me." Sasuke's voice conceived hatred in it, and his eyes were still spinning with the Sharingan. 

The boy sighed, and again, attacked, throwing sebon at Sasuke. "I don't wish to kill you..." 

Sasuke didn't bother to respond, but took out a shuriken and watched. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. He saw the boy actually travel from mirror to mirror. He threw them, but right after, he was gone, and the raid continued. Sasuke's movements were faster, much faster than the boy's, but because he was in the air, it wasn't easy to reach him. When the boy stopped and settled in the mirrors, his kimono had a tear in it, caused by Sasuke's shuriken. 


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