chapter 12

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The next day, Naruto and Sasuke were still knocked out from the fight the previous night. Sakura didn't know what to do, all she could do was protect them from any harm that came. She had always walked behind the two whenever the team was endangered. Sakura sighed as she watched Naruto and Sasuke sleep peacefully on the ground under the shelter of the tree roots.

Sakura Decided to lay out some traps for her enemies in case any tried to attack and do anything. Even if they didn't have a scroll anymore since Orochimaru burned their heaven scroll and swallowed his own earth scroll, nothing was of value. Apart from their lives. Sakura also remembered that Orochimaru said that he was in command of the sound team before he left, worrying her. If the sound team showed up, she wanted to know. After all, Orochimaru did give Sasuke a curse mark. Sakura lied down a wire underneath a grass patch that wasn't supposed to be there. Ultimately fooling her enemies where the trap was. When they saw the grass that was out of place, she would cut the rope behind her, causing logs, stones, kunai and sebon, shuriken to fall, revealing the true trap. When Sakura finished, she sighed in relief and sat next to sleeping a Naruto and Sasuke.

Sound team

Kin, Zaku, and Dosu watched as Sakura tended to Sasuke by putting a wet cloth on his forehead to keep his fever down. She didn't seem to pay much to her another teammate as he seemed to be just fine.

"Remember our orders. Orochimaru-sensei said we need to strike and dawn. Our target... Uchiha Sasuke!" huffed Dosu as he stared at team seven in impatience.

Zaku shifted as he waited for dawn to come. He could finally impress Orochimaru-sama, the creator of the hidden village of sound. "So that means if the other two get in the way... We can kill 'em, right?" Dosu and Kin just smirked.

"That or just take them out and drop them off somewhere," whispered Kin back ad quietly as she could. Then Kin looked up to see that sunlight was being revealed overhead of the trees. "Look it's dawn," scuffed Kin as she pointed to the light dimly peering down from the trees. Her teammates nodded when a squirrel came by them.

"Feel like some abusive inspection?"

Dosu and Kin just smirked at his antics and handed him a paper bomb. Zaku smiled freakishly and placed the paper bomb on the squirrel who later walked towards a grassy patch. This seemed to startle Sakura as she thought it was an enemy. Realizing it was a squirrel, she relaxed until she saw it near her decoy trap. That would only make one small stone fall. Either way, she didn't risk it and threw a kunai at the squirrel, causing it to run away.

"Someone is uptight," Muttered Kin as she folded her arms.

"You think she noticed the paper bomb on the squirrel?"

Dosu shook his head at Zaku. "I highly doubt that. It's something else. However, i can't quite put my finger on it at the moment..." Zaku nodded accepting his teammate's answer. "Might as well attack now, huh?" His team nodded in response. "Leggo."

"Who's t-there?" Sakura shuddered as she looked around nervously.


"Alright. We need to do a quick search to make sure there are no enemies around. We scatter around in half a mile distance and meet back here. Lee, you go south, Tenten, west, and I'll go northwest. Meet back here in a half hour," ordered Neji has his team scattered in their assigned directions.

Lee was scoping around the area he was in while training at the same time. Grabbing leaves and letting them fall. Then catching them before they hit the ground. Suddenly Lee noticed a squirrel on its back squirming. He picked up the squirrel quickly before removing the paper bomb on the squirrel's back, saving the squirrel.

Poor creature. This is such a cruel and unyouthful act!

Lee decided to go in search of who put the paper bomb on the squirrel a little bit farther then Neji's assigned distance. When he arrived, Sakura was facing the sound team. Her team knocked out for some reason unknown to Lee.

"What, the real trap's over there!" sounded one of the Oto-nin as the trap collapsed on them, However, it didn't harm any of them other than a few scraps.

"Yosh! Leave this girl alone... Or else." The Oto-nin just laughed at him.

"L-Lee-san," stuttered Sakura in surprise.

"Heh heh heh... You think you can defeat us? You may be strong in attacking, however... Our attacks or sonic! There's nothing you can do to stop them!"

Dosu and Zaku started to walk towards Sakura to make deal with her and the kill Uchiha Sasuke. However, before they could do so, Lee shouted:

"Konoha Leaf Hurricane!"

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