chapter 21

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Naruto just sat in his mind, in front of Kurama. He was ticked. He found out who his father was, he met Jiraiya, who would probably betray him just the same, and now here he was, sitting in front of the nine tailed demon beast.

"Dammit!" Naruto punched the wall with his fist, creating an echo in the sewer.

"Brat, I've been telling you all along."

"Shut up, Kyuubi!" Thoughts ran through Naruto's head of possible things that could happen while he was unconscious.

"Yea, yea."

Naruto looked up at Kurama. He'd been acting a little strange lately. "O-oi, what's up with you!"

"Me?" Kurama shifted his paws before laying his head on them. "Nothing."

"Yeah right!" Naruto pointed an accusing finger at the fox. "You've taken his side haven't you!"

"Brat, I am the greatest demon in all history. Don't associate me with you, foolish mortals."

"Then what is it? Consider it... This month's rent."

"Rent?" Kurama laughed at the thought. "You amuse me. Alright. Let's just say, your father was protecting you."

"Protecting me? Yeah, I doubt it. And if he was protecting me, from what?"

"Kit, if you found out at too much of a young age, you'd be shouting it out all over the streets."

"Yeah, so?" Naruto walked up to Kurama and sat on his head.

Kurama just looked up at him. He was fully tempted to kill the boy, but the brat had grown on him. Kurama couldn't explain it. He was the nine tailed fox, and never once until now could he not kill a mere mortal. "If you started spreading the news, not only would the villagers not believe you and treat you worse, but the news would soon spread that the Yondaime Hokage had a son, you'd be in danger."
"Why do you sound like you care?"

"I don't. I just care if you die. If you die, I die."

Naruto rolled his eyes. It was the dumbest answer he'd ever heard from the fox. "Yeah right. I thought you said you'd eventually re-spawn."

"Well, that would be true. However, your father sealed only half of me into you."

"My other half is in him."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "OK, I guess he doesn't deserve to be hated..." A tear rolled down his face. "But, I still want him out of my life after lying to me."

"Get some sleep." And with that, Naruto dozed off into a deep sleep.

Naruto awoke staring at a white ceiling. White walls surrounded him, and he was lying under white sheets. The curtain next to him was white, and the room reeked of penicillin. There was no other explanation, he was in a hospital. Naruto looked around the room, to find he was alone. He got up, fully healed thanks to Kurama, and opened the window. Jumping out, Naruto walked home. Villagers stared at him. However, they didn't seem as hateful as they once had. Maybe they don't recognize me.

He continued to walk home, with small steps. Walking up the steps, Naruto turned to face his door. He slowly unlocked it, unsure of what to expect. He never really checked if Minato left the house, but it was still possible that he never moved out. He opened the door, stepped in, and closed it. The room was dark, and it was silent. His window blinds were closed as well. Naruto took off his shoes before moving to the curtain. He opened it, revealing a clean room. Minato must have cleaned it. He thought. Lying on the bed, Naruto stared up at the ceiling. This wasn't home, this was torture. It was too quiet for his taste. After spending half his life knowing Minato, having him around, he'd grown to like the noise. Naruto had thought back to the first day he'd ever met Minato.

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