chapter 11

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Minato couldn't understand why Naruto had taken the scroll. He knew Naruto was probably curious about it, but it just bugged him. He couldn't check up on his son without the scroll.

"Stop worrying Yondaime. You're giving me a headache."

"Easy for you to say, Kurama," responded Minato as he moved back to the couch.

"He's fine. If you want I can contact my other half inside of him."

"Kurama, have you forgotten that he can't control you're half yet?" I only survived you're clawing because I had you inside of me and Kami thought I was worthy enough to live."

"That doesn't mean I can't try." Minato nodded in thanks. "Get to sleep Yondaime."


"Alright, Maggots! The second round is a survival round. The rules are simple. Each team has a heaven or earth scroll. A team must get the scroll they don't have from another team. Killing is allowed. You can not make fake scrolls, and can't open them until you reach the tower. You have five days. If one of you're teammates is dead or missing and you come to the tower, you fail."

Naruto was not happy about being called a "maggot" at all. He didn't like the proctor either. Naruto sighed and then shouted:

"We're not maggots!" Naruto had a plan behind this as well. Act weak before the exam starts, and kick them into the ground when they try to attack his team. Suddenly a kunai cut his cheek but healed almost immediately.

"Well well well. Someone is eager," said the proctor from behind, freaking out Naruto.

"Says the proctor that acts like a stalker!" Other teams laughed. Suddenly a grass shinobi came up behind the proctor, startling her, cause her to almost kill the shinobi. "Oh.."

"Sorry for startling you, Proctor, but I retrieved your kunai," the grass nin said as he held out the kunai with his abnormally long tongue.

"Thank you. Alright, maggots! You have ten minutes to get to you're assigned gate after everyone has gotten a scroll. Now go!"

Immediately genins headed into the tent to get their scrolls. Naruto's team was the seventh team in line. Fitting due to that his team was team 7. The chunin in the tent handed Sasuke a heaven scroll. "Arigato," Naruto responded with, surprising the chunin. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura headed the gate 37, out of the 44 gates. Ten minutes later, the chunin told them to enter. Naruto could feel Gaara's and Fu's chakra nearby.

"This way," pointed Naruto, towards Gaara.

"Hmph. Why should we listen to you, dead last?"

"Teme. I got us through the bell test, didn't I? I beat you in a fight, didn't I? I beat you in tree climbing, didn't I?"

"Hmph," was Sasuke's only response.

"Sasuke, why do you let him push you around like that?" whined Sakura.


Suddenly, a large snake gulped up Naruto and slithered away. Sasuke and Sakura looked at each other knowing they would have to find Naruto. They started running, but then was suddenly trapped in a genjustu. "What the..." said Sasuke. He couldn't move.

Move damn it move!

Slowly Sasuke willed himself to move, purple looking chakra leaking out him like it did with Naruto. The only difference was that Sasuke's demon chakra was much more powerful. Or so Sasuke thought. Suddenly, Sasuke's chakra cloak disappeared and he had his kunai stuck in his shoulder, sharingan activated.

"Impressive..." murmured a voice in front of him. Sasuke looked up to see the grass ninja with the abnormally long tongue.

"Who are you?" demanded Sasuke, standing up. "That summoning was way too big for any genin."

"Ah, just like your brother. I should have figured you would've found out soon. Since you've figured it out, my name is Orochimaru." Sasuke flinched at the name. He was fighting one of the three great sanin. Not only that, a rogue ninja and a genius.


Naruto figured whoever summoned the snake was a much higher level than a genin's. Naruto sighed figuring whoever it was, planned it keep Naruto away from Sasuke. He summoned a few hundred shadow clones to defeat the summoned snake. A second later, he was on the ground running to where Sasuke was. When he got there, Sasuke was fighting someone, who soon revealed himself as Orochimaru, one of the three great sanin. Naruto then looked at Sakura and saw that she was under a genjustu. He slowly moved over to her, unnoticed due to the fighting of the two ninja, and released Sakura from her trap.

"Thanks, Naruto." Naruto nodded and gave the scroll to Sakura.

"Keep it safe," he said as he ran into the battle. Sasuke was badly bruised, and had a few cuts on his arms and face, but would survive.

Orochimaru smirked. "Nice way of defeating my summon, Naruto-kun." Naruto glared. Suddenly Naruto saw Orochimaru start the summoning justu once more. He ran to try and stop him, but it was too late. "If you want this," Orochimaru said holding a scroll, before wrapping his tongue around it and swallowing it, almost making Sasuke and Naruto puke in disgust. "You're gonna have you kill me."

Naruto growled in anger. He couldn't figure out why Orochimaru was here. Naruto sighed, before taking out a summoning scroll. Naruto quickly undid the blood seal and summoned a sword. Orochimaru smirked. Suddenly, the snake dashed towards, Sasuke, slamming him into a tree. "You bastard!"

"Sasuke-kun, you've fought well. I shall leave you a parting gift," Orochimaru said as his neck stretched out to Sasuke, giving him a hickey(curse mark). Sasuke screamed in pain, and Sakura just stared in horror.

"What you have done to Sasuke!?" Sakura screamed. However, that was cut off by growling and the sense of evil chakra.


Orochimaru laughed, seeing Naruto. "So the Kyuubi did live. Such a shame that you're own father sealed the Kyuubi inside of you, Naruto-kun."

Naruto just responded, growling getting deeper, as his rage was heightening. "Don't you dare. Don't you dare talk about my tou-san like that, you jerk"

Sakura just gasped at this, finally realizing the missing pieces. Naruto looked so much like the Yondaime, other than the whiskers. The other thing, was the kind heart that the Yondaime showed her and her teammates while he was around, even though Naruto still didn't know who he was. Also realizing what Orochimaru just said, the appearance and kind hearts both shared, now made sense why. They were father and son.

Suddenly Naruto dashed at Orochimaru, sending him flying into a tree after a painful blow. Orochimaru didn't even see him coming, and as soon as he got up, Naruto was once again, in front of him. However, this time Naruto just stood there. His nails were claws, and teeth were fangs, but that made sense. Same with the red cloak, thickened whiskers, and the yellow hair that stood on end. There was one thing off though. Naruto's eyes were orange. orange with one black ring, and pupils in slits like the Kyuubi. "No way... Don't tell me..." Orochimaru trailed off as Naruto hit him on the face with his fist. Or now should say paw, due to him in the stance of an attacking animal and the Kyuubi transformation.

"I'll kill you!" Naruto once more dashed at Orochimaru and sending him about 30 or so meters away.

"Naruto!" A feminine voice suddenly called out, relaxing Naruto as if his job was done. And with that, Orochimaru disappeared.

I would like to get my hand on the Rinnegan as well... Maybe it'll use. Orochimaru smirked.

The first day of the second round of the chunin exams had passed.

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