Chapter 5

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Minato walked into the Hidden leaf as he always did, henged, and then continued the rest of his journey to his son's house. Knocking in front of the door, he patiently waited.

Half a second later, Naruto opened the door with his genuine smile.

"Hey Minato-san, I have trained with Kakashi Sensei. Would you like to come and watch?"

"Of course I would!" Minato smiles at his son.

Minato and his son walked through the streets of Konoha, henged of course. There were people everywhere, in the shops, restaurants, etc. For once he was glad that he was considered dead. He never liked being swarmed with all the citizens on the way home. He liked the villagers but, sometimes, it was just too... overbearing to say the least. When they had reached the normal team-gathering bridge, there was something unusual. Not only was team Kakashi there, but team Asuma. Kakashi was late as usual.

"Hey Naruto, who's your friend?" asked Shikamaru

Naruto looked at Minato giving him a "Should-we-tell-them" face. Minato shook his head.

"Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Asuma sensei, this is Shinobu. Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi Sensei met him a year ago today."

Minato frowned at the name. Looks like that's my henge's name now.

" I met who a year a..." Kakashi was cut off.

"You're late!"

"Hai hai... sorry, I came across a black cat on my way here, can't go anywhere once one see's a black cat. heh... heh." Kakashi said as he squatted on the top of the bridge.


Minato frowned at his former student. He seemed to have turned into Obito Uchiha, another one of Minato's former students.

"Yes yes... By the way... Who have I met again?"

Naruto responded alone this time. "Shinobu. Remember a year ago from today?"
Kakashi nodded realizing that Shinobu, was a name for his sensei's henged form.

"Wait... a year ago to the day was..."
"October tenth."
"Ah, now I remember. Naruto, Happy birthday." Team ten looked at Naruto. He scratched his head sheepishly.

"Kakashi-san, would you mind if I watched you guys train? Asuma?"

"Go ahead," responded Asuma smiling.


With that, they started walking to the training grounds. Minato handed Naruto a pair of scrolls. Naruto smiled sheepishly once more. Once they had reached the training grounds, Sakura and Ino started sparing, Choji and Shikamaru practiced their Justus, and Naruto and Sasuke practiced tree climbing. Minato frowned when he saw his son fall multiple times. Minato knew that his son could do it. He just wondered why Naruto didn't do what he could do. Minato sighed.

"Naruto, if you climb that tree before Sasuke, I'll buy you ramen!" Minato shouted, hoping that would inspire his son. It didn't work for long. Naruto climbed up the tree way ahead of Sasuke but released right before he got to a branch, leaving Sasuke in awe and anger. Minato sighed once more, continuing to watch.

"Naruto I'm heading home, see you next year!"

Naruto looked at Minato and frowned. "Already?"

"Yeah, sorry..."

Although leaving was not Minato intention. He knew Naruto's training would end soon, Minato wanted to find out why his son never came out of his house unless there was training, and so he hid.

When Naruto had left training after saying goodbye to Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, and Team Ten, he headed for town with a large grin. Minato followed carefully, hoping Naruto wouldn't notice he was following. By the time Naruto entered the town, his face changed from his genuine smile to a depressing face towards the ground, walking slowly. Villagers stared at Naruto with hatred, and threw trash at him, along with rotting food. Naruto didn't bother to dodge.

"Look its the demon boy." Minato heard this and was horrified. Then he heard more.


"Evil fox!"


"The Fourth Hokage should have never saved you..."

Minato nearly cried. His son was being treated as a monster, a plague. Not his last wish, for his son to be a hero. Minato should have known this would happen, Naruto being treated the same way as any other jinchuriki.

What... have I... done...

Minato knew he would now have to face his son, guilty of what he had done ten years ago.


Naruto realized Minato was following him, and never went home after he had reached the village.

He's gonna leave me... Naruto realized, and pain in his chest appeared. He didn't want to be lonely anymore, but that was his fate. Naruto opened the door to his house, slammed it, ran to his room, jumped on the bed, and began to cry.

"Naruto... why are you crying?" The familiar voice came out of nowhere.

"Go away!"
"No. Why are you crying?" Minato sat next to Naruto, wrinkling his face at the smell of rotting food.

"You know! You know what I am, you followed me! I'm a demon... A monster..."

"Naruto, I know about the Kyuubi,  you're not a monster, nor a demon. You're just a kid."

Naruto slowly calmed down from crying. "How long have you known?"

Minato gave thought if he should tell Naruto the truth or not.

"Since you told me your name when you were six years old."

Naruto's eyes widened. "How did you know?"

"Well... A many years ago, before you were born, I fell in love with a woman. Her name, Uzumaki Kushina." Naruto's eyes grew wider at the sound of his last name. 

" Yes Naruto, she was a relative of yours. I married her, while her cousin gave birth to you. The Uzumaki clan was a clan that scattered across the five great nations, as well as smaller nations due to fear. You see, Shinobi feared your clan for their sealing Justus. It was their specialty. Much like the Uchiha clan and their fire ability, as well as their sharingan." Minato paused to see if his son will still listening. 

"Because there were plenty of Uzumaki Shinobi in Konoha, they were chosen to be the Kyuubi's holders, not just because of how many Uzumaki there were, but because of their sealing justu and a special chakra that can control the Kyuubi. Your mother was the wife of the Yondaime... When a female jinchuriki gives birth, this is the time the seal is weakest. A man knew this and drew the Kyuubi out of your mother, then used the nine tails to attack the village."

"My mother was the Kyuubi's jinchuriki before me?"

Minato nodded.

"The Yondaime knew that he had to seal the Kyuubi into someone, but no parent would give up their child, and its harder to seal tailed beasts into adults, and so, he chose you because he believed you could control its power. Your father fought the Kyuubi with his wife, both got struck by one of the Kyuubi's claws. That's when he sealed it into you, as well as both your mother's chakra and your father's. After that, they both died, as well as many other Shinobi who helped fight, including my wife."

"You're related to me?"

"Yes Naruto, and it's the truth." Well kind of. "Naruto, do you mind if I live with you for a while?"

Naruto stood there, frozen, heart about to jump out of his chest from beating so fast. First, I learn that I have a relative, and now he wants to live with me... This is the best day ever!

"Yes!" Naruto said punching his hand into the air. "Yes, please stay."

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