To Be or Not To Be

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"Fuck, Yvette I gotta go. I'm going to be late." Shawn said frantically putting his sweats on and walking to the bathroom.

I couldn't control the small laughter coming out of me, "I told you to leave." I said rubbing my bottom lip feeling how swollen it was right now.

His kisses and bites left major bruising right now.

He walked back into the room and I saw the marks on his chest as he pulled his shirt down. His hair was now brushed back slightly and he was fixing his shirt.

"We both know that wasn't going to happen." He said looking over at me as I sat covering myself with the thin bedsheets.

My hair was now up in a top knot, and honestly my body was completely sore from him literally banging my brains out.

"Your phone is ringing again." I said smiling pointing at his phone on the end table.

He groaned as he went to grab it.

"I'm coming Andrew!" He shouted before slamming his phone on the end table, closing his eyes and trying to breath.

I felt bad.

I got wrapped the sheet around my body as I got off the bed and stood up in front of him. I placed my hand to his chest lightly.

"Hey, Hey. Relax okay. Deep breaths in and slow ones out." I said watching him listen to what I said.

He finally calmed down, he opened his eyes looking down at me.

"Thank you." He said placing his hand over mines and giving me a small kiss on my forehead.

"Now go, get out. We're super fucked up. You have a conference, we were fighting and then fucked. We're so messed up and we're not even deep into this." I said kissing him softly and pushing him away to the door.

"We are gonna be fine, after this we're going to talk. No sex." He said walking to her his sweater and then heading out the door.

Once he was gone, I laid on the bed wrapped into the thin bedsheet. My hair fell around the pillow, and I let out a deep sigh.

Within seconds I was sound asleep without even realizing how exhausted I was.


I woke up to my phone ringing.

I turned over to the end table and grabbed my phone still half asleep.


R: BITCH! Did you and Shawn really make it official and NOT tell me?!

Y: rose? Jesus stop yelling please I was asleep.

R: oh bitch are you with him right now?

Y: no, I was sleeping I'm tired, jet lagged. And we literally just made it official if you wanna call it that.

R: explain hoe.

Y: i kinda became a raging bitch after we were supposed to have a day to just us and we had a heated exchange that led to us having angry sex. And then he left he had a meeting.

R: ouuuuu bitch, angry sex is the best sex I'm just saying. Butttt be careful, I know just like you do that there is so much more with you guys. You just have to get out of your own head E, I tell you this all the time. Don't push to hard. You deserve to be happy and he makes you happy and you him.

Consumed By You  |Shawn Mendes|Where stories live. Discover now