Keith's lips part, most likely to ask the cause of your visit, but doesn't get the chance to voice his thoughts as you stride over to his bed and climb on top of him like it was a normal occurrence.

It takes Keith a moment to process that sudden weight on top of him, too surprised to react. Only when your head hits his chest does he realize the situation he was unexpectedly put in. On the outside, all you feel is his body tense underneath you for a split second before relaxing, but in his mind, Keith is having a panic attack.

It was true, what Shiro said to you: Keith wanted to have a bond with you. He wanted to be close with you. But he was so head over heels in love that he couldn't get past the butterflies he felt when saw you to try and achieve his wants. Hugging was already a challenge, leaving him a flushing, hazy mess when you let go, but this act of affection you just brought upon him can't even compare.

Keith's heart started to speed up despite his best efforts to calm himself from his affection-induced high. Being touch starved all his life left him sensitive to normal gestures but to feel you lay on top of him, to feel the warmth of the person who stole his heart directly on him.

He could barely breathe.

Your skin was too soft on his chest, and your breath gave him goosebumps. You smelled too intoxicating and your arms wrapped around his waist were unsettlingly comfortable. Nobody has ever affected Keith like you do and it scared him. Scared him to love someone so much. But your presence felt so nice he couldn't deny he wanted to love you like his heart did.

As Keith was confronting his own feelings, you, unaware of the battle going on in his mind, could hear his heartbeat pick up. Slowly at first, like he was nervous, but then it was pounding in his chest like he was running a marathon. It worried you, especially because he didn't say a word to you after you layed down on him.

Maybe you had gone too far?

Lifting your head from his chest, you ask quietly, "Are you okay?"

For a moment, there's complete silence, like Keith didn't even hear your voice. Then,

"O-Of course I'm okay." His voice was airy as he stumbled over his words before he asked rhetorically, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Despite Keith's want to be close to you, there was no way he was going to let you know how nervous he was right now. It was bad enough he could only give you a hug before needing to disappear and calm himself down, you did not need to know how this made him feel. How incredibly warm and fuzzy and nervous but so very blessed he felt despite his racing heart.

Yeah, you didn't need to know that.

Keith realizes how suspicious it seems that he hasn't done a single thing since you layed ontop of him and, while willing the tremor out of his limbs, abandons his knife completely to wrap an arm around you. Instead of resting casually he holds you tightly (the only way to keep his nerves from showing), and quickly realizes how much he loves holding you. It was one thing to have an angel resting on him but holding that angel close was a completely different story, a tale he was already fond of.

You lay your head back onto his chest, his arm around you pushing back your worries of doing something wrong. His heart was still pounding however, making you a little nervous despite the comfort of his firm embrace. A part of you wanted to ask him again if he was alright, but the fact that he denied it turned you against the decision. If he wanted to talk about it, you'd be there, but you weren't going to push it.

Both of you sighed at the same time, unintentional but noticeable nonetheless. You looked up at him as he looked down at you before a smile broke out on your face, quiet laughter escaping your lips.

And if that didn't make Keith smile too.

And after a moment of watching your gentle glow of enthusiasm, it made him realize something: He was actually in love. Keith's heart swelled. It was true he already knew he loved you, but he didn't truly grasp it.

Not until now anyways.

Finally, the pounding in his chest started to subside. For once, he felt completely at ease in your presence. And he thought it was about time he said what he should have two months ago.

Bringing at hand to your check, Keith silently asks for your attention. It surprised you considering intimacy was something he shyed away from, but you complied nonetheless.

Keith voice is soft and hoarse as he whispers what he's been trying to say though actions instead of words,

"I'm in love with you."

Your eyes widen at his statement, surprise flooding through you and creating a lump in your throat. Though, how could you not be? He said the words you had been secretly dying to hear, the ones you knew he had never said to anyone.

Words no one had yet to hear from him.

And maybe it had been selfish to just wish for him to say them because you knew he had such a trouble with expressing his feelings, but it felt so nice, to hear him say what your heart need to know:

That he loved you.

You smiled again, more shyly this time as you saw the look on Keith's face.

"Funny you should say that," You murmur, leaning your head into his palm,

"Cus' I'm in love with you too."

Keith x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now