❧fifty three: illumination

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"I don't even understand why I'm feeling so nervous," Felix stated as he ran an anxious hand through his blonde strands of hair.

"It's not like anything bad is going to happen. I know it won't, because they're my friends, and they all care about me; but I just...Can't help but to worry."

"You seem to be really good at that," Changbin joked in an attempt to lighten his boyfriend's mood and make him even the slightest bit happier.

Instead, the younger boy only rolled his eyes at the comment before sighing for what felt like the millionth time within the past thirty minutes. Realizing that he might have just unwittingly made the situation even worse, the older boy made his way behind the counter and wrapped his arms around the taller boy's waist.

"Don't stress yourself out, Felix," the raven haired boy mumbled, gently pressing a kiss to the side of his lover's neck.

"It's just like you said; they're all your friends. They all care about you a lot, so there's no reason to freak out over anything."

"So, you're not nervous at all then? Not even a little bit?" The blonde inquired, feeling envious of the state that Changbin was in.

He just seemed so calm and collected; almost like there was nothing on his mind. Truly, the younger boy wished with all his heart that he could manage to think that way, but in reality, it just wasn't a viable option. He simply wasn't the type of person that could be calm all the time, and even if he tried to be that way, he knew that he would undoubtedly fail miserably.

"Of course I'm a little bit nervous," the shorter boy responded in an even tone of voice.

"Being nervous is natural. But you're just too anxious for your own good."

The Australian couldn't deny that. He knew that the words Changbin spoke were the truth, and he'd heard variations of that sentence from just about everyone in his life at one point or another. Seungmin and Hyunjin were constantly telling him that he worried too much, and Jeongin said things like that to him as well; just not as often. Not to mention the fact that Aina was always one of the first people to sense his stress and tell him to calm down and try not to be so anxious.

Really though, it wasn't what the blonde strived for by any means. After all, what kind of person would be happy to constantly worry over the smallest, most unimportant things known to man?

"I know," the taller boy admitted, breathing the words out lightly.

"But I really can't help it."

Changbin made his way in front of the younger boy, gently bringing his hand up to cup Felix's cheek within it.

"It'll all turn out fine, Felix. I promise. So stop worrying, and just kiss me."

The request felt odd given the context of their current conversation, but the blonde didn't want to pass up the opportunity, so he did as he was told and he closed the gap in between their lips. It didn't take more than a second for the younger boy to figure out why the older had asked him to do that in the first place. Almost immediately, the Australian's stress began to ebb away as his heartbeat synced itself with the raven haired boy's. Serenity and peacefulness settled within the freckled boy's veins, and it made him feel a new sense of calmness that he was incredibly thankful for.

But, that heady magic between the two of them couldn't last forever, and it was interrupted by the ice cream parlor's door swinging open.

"Get a room, Felix. That's gross," Hyunjin shouted jokingly.

"Shut up, you over dramatic rat," the blonde responded, and though the words he said were harsh, his tone of voice was not.

Seungmin and his boyfriend took a seat at the largest booth in the establishment, and though there was lots of room, they chose to sit side by side, their thighs touching and their fingers interlocked.

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