❧thirty two: molecular cloud

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"We come back, and everything is just falling apart!" Seungmin sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"What even happened?" Hyunjin questioned.

"There's no way that he just up and decided to not be friends with you anymore. Jeongin adores you, Felix. He was always saying stuff about how he wants to be like you, and have your work ethic. There's no way he'd just do something like that with no good reason."

"I know that," the blonde nodded his head.

"It's not that I don't think he has a reason; it's just that I don't know the reason. I mean, he's been acting strange since two Mondays ago, but it didn't seem like something I needed to push on. I just thought that he'd come to me when he was ready," the Australian explained.

"Did anything specific happen two Mondays ago?" Seungmin inquired.

"...not that I can remember," the older boy shook his head.

"We woke up, got ready for school, and then we met up with you guys here. Changbin came too, but he didn't say anything to Jeongin before we arrived."

"Are you sure you didn't say anything? Maybe as a joke that he took too seriously?" The redhead questioned.

"I...I don't think..." the blonde trailed off slightly.

"You did, didn't you?" Hyunjin questioned when he saw the look on his younger friend's face.

"...I don't know if it has anything to do with why he's acting like this, but I stayed over at his house that night. We were talking, and at lunch that day, we'd been talking about some...Stuff," Felix began vaguely.

"Stuff as in...?" Seungmin questioned.

"He was saying that he wishes you two would just tell him about your relationship, and since he brought up the topic first, I just...I thought I'd ask what his opinion on it was, y'know?" The Australian began to fiddle with his thumbs under the table.

"And, what was his opinion of it?" The dark haired boy asked, and Felix noted the way that both his and Seungmin's eyes were reflecting a bit of worry.

"He said that he's fine with it," Felix answered, and he watched as the worry was replaced with a great sense of relief on the couple's part.

"He said that he loves and cares about you either way, and that your sexuality doesn't change that because you're still the same people. Basically, his reaction was what everyone hopes for when they tell someone something like that."

"But, what does this have to do with him being mad at you?" Hyunjin asked.

"Because after he said that, I thought...I just thought it would be good to get some advice from him about what I should do with Changbin," the younger said, a light blush rising to his cheeks.

"You're telling me that you asked a sixteen year old for relationship advice?" Seungmin gawked.

"Well I couldn't ask you two! I knew you'd just say 'you're in love with him' and then that would be the end of it! But I needed more of an explanation than that," the Australian defended.

"Besides, it was hardly relationship advice."

"Don't tell me you asked that poor boy about sex or something? If you did, I completely understand why he's mad at you," the redhead commented.

"I didn't," Felix hissed, his cheeks becoming redder and redder as the seconds passed, and he began to regret starting the conversation with the other two boys in the first place.

𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘! ( s.cb + l.f )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz