❧thirty five: extraterrestrial

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Jeongin slowly made his way out of the bathroom, his legs shaking slightly. He was thankful that the only thing he'd ingested that day was half a bottle of water, because that made the regurgitation of his bodily contents much less disgusting than it could have been had he actually bothered to eat breakfast. He felt unusually cold now for some strange reason, and he was more than thankful that Hyunjin had been sure to turn the heat on inside the car while he was busy throwing up. He wasn't sick in a traditional manner, and he was absolutely positive of that. He was simply car sick, though that in itself was a bit odd, because he hadn't been car sick since he was in elementary school.

But really, the young boy didn't bother to question the linguistics of his body, because he still felt a little dizzy after the ordeal he'd just been through. So, he kept his head down low, and he haphazardly got into the backseat, instantly laying his own head down on the seat as he curled into himself like a kitten. Closing his eyes and getting rest always helped him to avoid the nasty affects that driving used to take on his body. That's why he often times slept on the bus when he was younger and wasn't allowed to walk to school because he would have been incapable of getting there or getting home without being run over or kidnapped.

"Do you feel better?" Seungmin inquired from the passenger's seat.

"...a little," Jeongin answered vaguely, turning onto his other side.

And as he moved, he realized three things;

One, that his head felt oddly elevated.

Two, that the backseat seemed...Warm in an odd way, like there were seat warmers in them, even though he knew for a fact that they weren't.

And three, he realized that the seat now smelt of something slightly familiar to him. Something that he couldn't quite seem put his finger on.

He considered opening his eyes, but ultimately decided against it when he felt the car start up again. He had absolutely no interest in staying awake for the remaining hour and a half of the trip, either. Especially not after what he'd just been through. But, then he felt a slightly larger and extremely warm hand rake it's way through his hair, and his eyes shot open quickly.

I'm such an idiot, he snapped at himself as his heart began to race.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't notice you were here," the dark haired boy stuttered out in embarrassment as his already flushed face became slightly more red than it already was.

He felt like a complete moron for not noticing Chan's presence in the back of the car, and he felt even stupider for not realizing that he'd literally been curled up on the Australian's lap like a significant other would. Jeongin felt completely and utterly humiliated in every sense of the word, but the older boy simply sat forward and placed his hand on the younger's forehead; checking for a fever.

"You don't feel too warm to me," the curly haired male stated.

"It probably was just some motion sickness, but it's always best to be safe than sorry."

The dark haired boy didn't quite know what to do with himself in that moment. There was emotions, both good and bad, both familiar and unfamiliar, coursing through his entire body; sending him on a loop of unidentified feelings that he couldn't seem to get a hold on.

"...thank you for checking," Jeongin mumbled quietly, letting his gaze drift downward so that he wouldn't have to meet Chan's eyes properly.

𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘! ( s.cb + l.f )Where stories live. Discover now