❧thirty four: subplanetary

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"That better be the last bag," Hyunjin wheezed, bending over slightly in an attempt to help himself catch his own breath.

"That was the last one," Seungmin assured as he casually strolled over to his boyfriend and grabbed his arm, placing it around his own shoulders.

"You're so strong," the redhead commented, but because of his tone of voice, the dark haired boy couldn't quite tell if the younger was being sarcastic or not.

However, since Seungmin decided to end the comment with a kiss planted on the taller boy's cheek; Hyunjin decided to simply let that one pass.

Awkwardly, Jeongin shifted on his feet nervously, and Felix briefly considered walking over and speaking to him. But, he decided against it, because he wanted to do things right. He wanted to make things up to the younger boy in a real, earnest, and completely genuine way; and they were just about to leave, so he feared that his apology would be rushed along if he began it right then.

Noticing the worried look on Felix's face, Changbin took it upon himself to silently reach over and slip his hand into the blonde's as a sign of comfort. Lightly, the Australian smiled a bit, and his eyes locked on his tennis shoes as he did so.

"Alright," Chan twirled the keys of a rental car on his index finger, "are we ready, girls?"

"Girls?" Hyunjin questioned.

"Did you not see all the manual labor that I just did?"

"I'll bet a girl could do it without whining as much as you did," Seungmin replied, snickering slightly.

"Aren't you supposed to be on my side?" The dark haired boy shot his significant other an annoyed glance.

"Sorry Jinnie," the redhead giggled, "I couldn't help myself."

"He's not wrong though," Felix joked.

"There was six bags and you made it seem like we were all working you to death."

"If you'd like, I can go grab the bags from the cars and put them back on the sidewalk. Then you all can show me just how strong you are when you put your own bags in the cars all by yourselves," the dark haired boy offered in a rhetorical manner.

"Are you sure you could manage to carry all six of them back to the sidewalk, though?" Seungmin joked.

Once again, the older boy shot his boyfriend an annoyed glance.

"Again," he sighed, "aren't you supposed to be on my side?"

"I'm always on your side," the younger boy noted, bringing his right hand up in order to ruffle the older's hair in an affectionate manner.

"It's just that you're so easy to tease."

The dark haired boy wanted to be genuinely annoyed, and had it been anyone else, he probably would have been angry at them by that point. But when it came to Seungmin, there was just no way for Hyunjin to be all that angry at him. After all, the redhead's eyes were smiling along with his lips, and when he laughed, his eyes would crinkle at the sides, and the older boy would start to feel that same rush of warmth spread throughout his entire body; starting in the center of his chest. Because whenever Seungmin laughed or smiled, the taller boy found himself falling in love all over again; just like it was the starting point once more.

"Let's get going," Hyunjin sighed, gently lacing his fingers with his lover's.

"Nobody needs to go to the bathroom, right?" Chan questioned, pointing the car key at Changbin, then letting it drift to Felix, who was at his side.

𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘! ( s.cb + l.f )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ