❧ten: meteorite

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Friday evening rolled around, much to Felix's relief. The dance the second time around had been even more difficult, especially without Hyunjin being there to help out. Being that only himself, Jeongin, and Seungmin were working, there wasn't any room for Felix to step outside and take a breather that time; no matter how badly he wanted and needed one. But, he made it through with the help of his two friends, and managed to survive the day without slapping anyone or having a mental breakdown; despite not having Hyunjin around to help keep him in line.

On Thursday night, he and Changbin had parted ways after dinner, and the Australian ended up crashing at Seungmin's house. Since Hyunjin and Jeongin were also there, the blonde had little to no trouble when it came to falling asleep. And yet, despite the fact that he was in a room with his three best friends, he couldn't help but to wish Changbin was there to read to him or sing him to sleep. The older boy's voice was nothing short of soothing, and his voice seemed to ward away any oncoming nightmares of the day his parents died.

But, the night soon turned to early morning, and they all woke up in order to get ready for school. However, Hyunjin woke to find that he had a fever, and with Seungmin's parents gone for the day, the redhead told his boyfriend to stay put and not risk getting anymore ill at school. So, the other three left Hyunjin to sleep the day away after Seungmin got him a bottle of water to keep at his bedside and medicine to help break his fever.

Hyunjin being sick is exactly what led to Seungmin's presence in their usual café after school. The redhead was waiting in line with the intention of ordering something warm to take back home to Hyunjin, because he was sure that the dark haired boy hadn't eaten all day. While he stood in line, the door behind him opened, and the redhead glanced back to see who'd just entered the café. That's when Seungmin met Changbin's eyes, and the older boy looked surprised for a few seconds before giving the redhead a light smile.

"Hey," the raven haired boy greeted, taking his place at the back of the line.

"Hey, Changbin," the younger boy replied.

"Is Felix with you?"

"No," Seungmin shook his head, "he's home, I think. He said something about studying for exams."

As the customer in front of him went to sit at a table to wait, Seungmin ordered, and made sure to ask for it to go so that he could get back to Hyunjin quickly. Changbin simply ordered an iced coffee, and he chose to stand to the side with Seungmin in order to speak with the younger boy more.

"So, your guys' exams are soon?" The raven haired boy inquired.

"Two weeks," Seungmin replied.

"Are you guys nervous? I promise the exams aren't as bad as you think they'll be," Changbin assured with a laugh.

"Ah, I wouldn't say I'm all that nervous. Maybe a little, but it's nothing too major. Hyunjin and I always study together, and we've never failed a test in high school, so I'm sure that we'll be alright. But Felix. . .Well, that's another story," the redhead sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" Changbin questioned, cocking his head to one side.

"It's not that he isn't smart or anything, because Felix is probably one of the smartest people in the whole school," the younger boy began.

"But, he does this thing where he freaks out before big tests and he stays up all night to study; even when he already knows all the material. He did it last year, and he passed out on the walk home. He was in the hospital for two days afterwards, so now Hyunjin and I always get worried about him when it comes to tests and exams," Seungmin explained.

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