❧twenty five: comets

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Changbin and Felix took the long way back to the younger boy's apartment that evening; just so that they wouldn't have to part sooner than what would be needed. That wasn't necessarily spoken aloud, but the both of them knew that that was reason why. It was an unspoken truth that they were both well aware of. Just as well, their fingers were still laced, and in a way, Felix felt free now. Many people passed them by, and many people had seen them with their bodies close together and their fingers intertwined, and he didn't mind. Not even when an older woman decided to look at the two of them disapprovingly, which Changbin was sure would trigger the younger boy to pull his hand away. He simply gripped the older boy's hand tighter, giving it a gentle squeeze, almost as if to say that he didn't care who saw them together.

"You know," Felix spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two of them, "I had fun today."

"We were at the library," Changbin pointed out with a laugh, even though he felt the same exact way that the Australian did.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," the blonde replied, smiling as he rolled his eyes, "I know that. Which is why it feels a little awkward to say that, I guess. But, I really did have a good time; even if all we did was study."

I had a good time because I was with you, the younger boy smiled to himself, but he chose not to say that out loud.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" The older boy inquired.

"Plans?...I don't think so. As long as nothing comes up, I'm pretty sure that I'm free. Just as long as I can do some studying before it gets to be too late," the Australian answered.

"Then, how about we go see a movie? Or, if you don't wanna do that, we could always go bowling again," Changbin laughed.

"We both suck at bowling, so let's just go see a movie," Felix replied with an amused tone to his voice.

"Sounds good," the raven haired boy noted.

"I know horror movies are off the table, but there's probably a comedy or something playing."

Did I mention that I don't like horror movies? The blonde asked himself, and he tried to think back, but he was pretty sure that he'd never mentioned that to Changbin...At least, not recently.

"We can just check the showings when we get there," Felix replied.

"That's true," the older boy nodded.

By that time, they'd reached the top of the stairs, and as they started down the hallway, the both of them slowed their steps ever so slightly; not really noticing that they were even doing it. They were in sync, and again, they didn't really notice that either. Things between them seemed so natural now, though Felix didn't exactly know why. However, he didn't stop to question it, because he reminded himself that Changbin's hand was in his, and that was really all that mattered.

The Australian no longer saw the point in obsessing over the feelings that were always ebbing at his chest when he was around the raven haired boy. Instead of asking why, he decided that it was best to just go along with it, because when he did, he always felt happier. He came to the conclusion that he didn't need to wonder why his heart was beating faster. He didn't need to know why his chest felt warm; like sunlight was being born in the center of his chest, lighting up his insides with its golden rays. He simply didn't need to know why, because it didn't matter anymore.

𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘! ( s.cb + l.f )Where stories live. Discover now