❧fifty one: lodestar

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"How come you're up so early?" Felix questioned Aina when the female stepped into the living room as the blonde was zipping up his bag on the couch.

"I thought you were off work until Monday so you could rest."

"I am," the brunette nodded, "but I always wake up early. It's just a habit, I guess."

"Well," the Australian shrugged, "there's definitely worse habits to have."

"Besides...I'm kind of glad that you're awake," Felix admitted.

"Alright," Aina stated knowingly as she took a seat beside of her nephew on the couch, "what am I giving advice on this time?"

"Am I really that predictable?" He questioned in reply, feeling his cheeks heat up a bit as they were tinted light pink in color.

"Let's just say that you definitely wear your heart on your sleeve," his aunt responded vaguely.

"Plus, I've lived with you long enough to know what that tone of voice means."

Felix sighed softly.

"I know that it feels kind of weird for you to talk about my parents. It feels weird for me too, honestly. But, ever since I met Changbin, I've been thinking about them more often. About their relationship, and about...What they would think of mine. And I know that all we can do is assume, but I need someone to tell me the truth so I can stop losing sleep over this," the Australian spoke.

"So, you're asking what they would think about you being gay?" Aina asked, no judgement in her voice whatsoever.

She said the word casually, like there was no negative connotations attached to it; because for her, there wasn't.

"Well, that's the thing," Felix replied, hoping that he wouldn't confuse his aunt too badly with the words he was about to say, "I'm not gay. It's not boys that I like; it's Changbin. Just Changbin."

The brunette looked confused for a moment or so, which was understandable for the most part, but despite that, she gave a levelheaded response.

"Then, you're worried that if your parents were here that they wouldn't approve of you dating Changbin?" Aina inquired, correcting her assumptions.

"Yeah, I guess that's the bottom line," the Australian admitted, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness.

"I just can't help but to wonder, y'know? On one hand, I know that they'd want me to be happy, and Changbin really does make me happy, -the happiest I think I've ever been-, but at the same time, I can't stop myself from worrying about it. Like, if they were here right now, would they hate me for it? Would they disown me?"

That was the first time that he truly let everything out. He finally explained the things that were eating away at his subconscious day in and day out, and upon doing so, even if he didn't know what his aunt's reply would be, he felt elated in a way. It was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and while some of it still remained, the load had been lightened tremendously.

"Well, I guess you're right about the fact that we can only assume," Aina began.

"But I knew your parents, and even more so, you knew your parents. I remember the way that you were always the topic of conversation one way or another, no matter which one of them I was talking to. They always found a way to brag about you. They were always so proud of you, Felix. And, no matter who you're in love with, or who you happen to be in a relationship with; I don't think it would change anything for them. I think they'd love you for you, just like they always did."

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