❧thirty: galactic halo

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Come Saturday morning, Hyunjin's lips were trailing soft kisses down the skin of his boyfriend's neck on the bed in their hotel room. Seungmin's eyes were closed, and the fingers of his right hand were buried in the older boy's dark hair. It was a moment in time that was more pure than anything else; with no sexual nature intended. Hyunjin wasn't looking to spark anything sensual; he simply wanted to kiss the younger boy's skin. It was the desire to let his lips graze Seungmin's body that left him blinded in a way. The dark haired boy could only see the redhead in that moment, because nothing else really mattered. Tipping his head upward, the older boy kissed the skin under the younger boy's ear before he drew upward and let his teeth lightly graze Seungmin's earlobe.

"I love you," Hyunjin whispered lightly, causing the redhead's heart to swell in his chest.

Now, their eyes met as the dark haired boy pulled his lips away from Seungmin's neck, and the both of them smiled at the other. The younger boy slid the hand in the older's hair to the side of his face, and he brought Hyunjin's face closer to his in order to press their lips together softly. Both smiling, the redhead rested his forehead against his lover's, letting his thumb glide across the skin of the older boy's bottom lip.

"I love you more," Seungmin answered, grabbing onto Hyunjin's hand in order to lace their fingers.

"You don't," Hyunjin shook his head.

"It's impossible for anyone to love someone more than I love you. Which reminds me of something," the older boy stood up off the bed and made his way over to the wooden desk on the other side of their hotel room.

"What're you doing, Jinnie?" The younger boy inquired as he watched his boyfriend unzip the smallest pocket on the duffel bag he'd packed for their trip.

"I bought you something," the dark haired boy stated as he glanced back at the redhead with a bright smile.

"But, you paid for this whole trip!" Seungmin exclaimed.

"Why would you waste more money on me? I'm nothing special..."

"See, that's where you're wrong," Hyunjin replied as he made his way back over to the bed.

He took a seat beside of Seungmin, and he placed a gentle kiss on the crown of the smaller boy's head.

"You're very special," the older boy told him.

"Which is exactly why I bought you this."

As the dark haired boy held out his hand, which was holding a small black box, the younger boy felt his heart skip a beat.

"...what is it?" The redhead inquired as he gently took the box from his boyfriend's hand.

"Open it and find out, silly," the older boy smiled as he prompted the younger to open the box and reveal his present.

With hands shaking slightly, Seungmin opened the box, only to find a silver ring staring back at him. A flood of new emotions, both happy, sad, and scared, came crashing into his heart.

"Do you like it?" Hyunjin asked nervously as he tried to get a good read on what his boyfriend was feeling.

"Y-Yes, I love it," the redhead stated honestly.

"B-But, aren't we too young to get engaged? We haven't even graduated yet, and we still have to get through college, and we're both so young...Not to mention the fact that we haven't even come out to our parents yet-"

"I'm not proposing to you, Seungmin," the older boy laughed at the younger.

"I will one day, but, not now."

𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘! ( s.cb + l.f )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin