❧two: orbit

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"I can't believe I really just did that," Felix mumbled to himself as he began to pace around the living room.

He ran an anxious hand through his hair, noting the way that his heart was pounding wildly. He couldn't believe that he was really going to go through with it. He was going to let an actual stranger into his aunt's apartment to help him fall asleep. In Felix's mind, it seemed like a great way to get his aunt robbed, and he began to feel increasingly guilty. He already felt guilty enough when it came to him living with Aina, so if anything were to happen while she was away, he'd never be able to forgive himself. After the car crash, Aina took Felix in without second thoughts. She was only twenty one, and in a way, the Australian felt like he'd stolen away her youth. After all, she was only in her third year of college, and she hadn't really had the time to party or be a normal girl in her twenties. She was enamored in her studies, and then out of nowhere, Felix was practically dropped in her lap. The blonde also felt guilty because he felt like Aina never had proper time to grieve the death of her older sister (Felix's mother). Right after it happened, she was given the task of taking care of her sister's eight year old son, and as if that wasn't a big enough task for a twenty one year old woman, she also had to get another job in order to support the both of them.

As the blonde became absorbed in his own thoughts, he didn't notice the time ticking by. The phone in his other hand buzzed, bringing the Australian back to reality. He looked down at the device, only to see that another message from Sleeping Delivery had popped up on his screen.

your delivery agent has arrived~ ❞

"Shit, it really is too late to cancel now," the blonde cringed.

Moments later there was three knocks on the apartment door, and a voice called out.

"Excuse me, Sleeping Delivery!"

Though the words the person on the other side of the door spoke were inherently polite, the tone of voice was not. He sounded like a strained customer service worker that was forced to be kind to everyone; -even those shitty customers that come in and try to argue that the coupon they're trying to use is "only one week past the expiration date" in order to get thirteen cents off a container of lowfat Greek yogurt. Brushing the tone of the boy's voice aside, Felix rushed to the door, as he sure as hell wasn't trying to anger the person that was supposed to be helping him sleep.

"Please, come in," the blonde mumbled, opening the door to reveal a raven haired boy with warm beige skin and a tired expression on his face.

But he didn't seem tired in the way that Felix was tired. No, this boy looked tired of life.

I could have sworn the agent I requested had much lighter hair than this, Felix thought as he watched the shorter boy saunter inside of his aunt's apartment, just crossing his fingers that he wasn't a serial killer or a kleptomaniac.

"Um, Chan, right?" Felix asked lightly, hoping that he'd gotten the name correct.

He studied the agent's profile after he put in his request, and he knew that the name he said was correct, but even so, he still felt nervous. He was nervous because the person in front of him looked nothing like the agent he'd requested, and that led him to question just who the boy was in the first place.

"Nope," the raven haired boy replied, popping the p.

"The name's Changbin. Seo Changbin. And you're Lee Felix," the shorter boy stated matter-of-factly.

"Um, how do you know my name?" Felix questioned, narrowing his eyes slightly as he looked at the raven haired boy suspiciously.

"Because I read your profile before I came here. And because I went to the same high school as you," Changbin replied.

𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘! ( s.cb + l.f )Where stories live. Discover now