❧forty six: hypersonic

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During the duration of the school day, Felix heard his name whispered in multiple conversations in the halls and in various classrooms. However, he paid them no mind, because, as he'd said at the café, he'd chosen not to give a fuck. He wasn't gay, and he didn't like boys, and if those around him couldn't wrap their mind around that, then that was their damage. Felix was simply in love with someone amazing, and he didn't feel the need to explain himself to those who weren't worthy of the explanation in the first place. He felt as if he owed it to Aina, the woman who'd raised him since age eight, to make things clear to her. But, at the same time, he knew he wasn't obligated to do so.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" Changbin asked as he scanned over the produce isle, waiting for Felix to decide between apples or bananas.

"We can just get a pizza or something," the younger boy answered.

"My apartment isn't far from the restaurant, so they'll deliver it."

"Let's not make the delivery person suffer up that staircase," the raven haired boy laughed.

"I can make dinner at the apartment."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," the blonde shook his head.

"You don't have to cook for me. If you want to make something for yourself, you can do it, but you shouldn't have to cook for me too. I'm eighteen. I can cook for myself."

"I like cooking," Changbin replied with a gentle smile.

"Especially for cute boys. More specifically, cute boys named Felix."

The Australian's cheeks turned a light pink, and he looked down at the ceramic tiles on the grocery store floor in order to hide it.

"...grilled cheese, then," the younger boy stated quietly.

"Grilled cheese?" The raven haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," the blonde nodded his head in confirmation, "I'm in the mood for it."

You really haven't changed much at all, the older boy slipped his bottom lip in between his teeth for a moment. You're nothing short of everything I fell in love with.

"Okay," Changbin agreed, "sounds good."

"And, before I forget to ask," Felix was reminded of something, "you like pasta, right?"

"I love pasta," the older boy nodded.

"Okay, good," the blonde mentally sighed in relief.

"Since Aina's coming home tomorrow, I'm making spaghetti for dinner. It's her favorite."

"I really think that Aina and I are going to get along just fine," Changbin smiled confidently.

"I mean, I haven't even met her in person yet, but I already know that we have two things in common."

"And those two things are...?" Felix prompted, letting his words trail off.

"We both love pasta, and we both love you," Changbin grinned, and the Australian's cheeks heated up once more.

"Bananas," the blonde stated abruptly as he picked the bundle of yellow fruits up and placed them in the basket he was carrying.

"I like bananas more than apples, so I don't see why it even took me so long to decide. Plus, when you really think about it, apples are basic. When someone says fruit, most people instantly think of an apple. But bananas are special. They're pretty, and they're fun to eat, and they don't fit into one specific criteria. Not that apples aren't good, because they're delicious, but in my opinion, bananas are the best. But, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and there's a lot of options to choose from," the blonde rambled, and though he was referencing bananas and apples, Changbin found it very hard to believe that Felix was only speaking of those two food items.

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