Chapter XXV: Sleep tight.

Start from the beginning

I nodded my head, even though she can't see me, she knows I heard her. 

Finally, I selected something she would've never thought I'd pick. 

An 11-inch strap on. (literal abuse.)

She definitely won't be able to walk tomorrow. 

This is the good abuse I was telling Aasim about earlier.

She doesn't even know I have it. 

I kept it in this little briefcase, wanted to save it for a special occasion.

Tonight just feels right.

So, I grabbed it and went through a process to put it on. 

I wasn't just gonna let my little cheeks breathe in the back, therefore, I pulled my briefs back up and looked it the mirror.

I would look good if I was a boy.

My dick would be big, just saying. 

I continued scanning my collection and picked up some handcuffs, a feathered whip, and put on a tank top, which fit pretty nicely and was made of cotton. 

When I went back into the room, I immediately caught Clementine's attention. 

"Just so you know, tonight won't be the same as the other nights. It'll be a lot better. " I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"How big is it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Big enough for it to be better if you don't know." I gave her a smirk. 

"I wanna find out." She egged me on, even more, biting her lip. 

I couldn't help but smile at her courage. 

This is one of the many things I love about her.

"Get on all fours, hands up by the headboard, legs spread apart and back arched." I gave her specific instructions and she followed as usual. 

(Read at your own risk.) 

Once she was set up, I admired how she did exactly what I told her to do, how beautiful she looks, how lucky I am to have a girlfriend like her.

She buried her head in one of the pillows and waited.

I handcuffed her to the headboard, then climbed up on the bed behind her, doggy style. 

Just to turn her on, I rubbed the clothed rubbed on her box and tied the blindfold around her head, making her tense up. 

"You won't be able to see. Stimulation is key, remember that." I whispered in her ear, still teasing her. 

I silently grabbed the whip and struck her behind with it.

She jumped, but didn't scream. 

She just hissed at the pain and inhaled sharply.

I love a woman that won't punk out. 

I struck the other cheek, earning a chuckle.

"That's all you got?" She teased, tilting her head. 

I looked at the whip and tossed it across the room.

I struck her with my hand. 

Cupping it and hitting her left cheek with full force. 

(We're talking about a butt here people, stay with me.)

I unzipped the corset and basically ripped it off of her. 

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