Chapter XX: The Bartender.

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*Violet's POV*

It's a typical Saturday night, ya know, going out with the group...

Marlon, Louis, Brody, Mitch, Aasim, Ruby, and Omar.

The same place we go all the time. 

Kenneth's Night Club II. 

I know it doesn't have a... special... or attention catching name, but we're close with the owner, so discounts for us, yay. 

So many memories come from this place and I'll be damned if we don't make some more. 

----------- (Text messages are in italics.) 

book bitch- Aasim

Piano thot- Louis

Ratta fag fag- Marlon

Mom- Brody

Country hoe- Ruby

Moody Ass Mitch- Mitch

Gordan Ramsey- Omar


Me: Whos driving? 

Piano thot: Not it!

Ratta Fag Fag: Not it!

Country Hoe: I plan on getting thrown down tonight, so unless yall wanna die, I ain't driving.

Moody Ass Mitch: Same ^ 

Book Bitch: I'm not, but i'm not getting wasted either. I have to help brody per usual because she can't manage all of you. 

Gordan Ramsey: I don't have a drivers license. 

Mom: Fine, I'll drive. Last time I got wasted I allegedly hooked up with Vi and I threw up for a good 4 hours. Never again. I'll make sure you guys get home safe. And thank's Aasim.

Book Bitch: No problem. ;)

Me: This is why we call you mom. Lmao. And we're not supposed to talk about that. You promised. Whatever happened, happened. If we don't remember all of it, then nobody talks about it.

Piano thot: Ten dollars, Vi is gonna bring another girl with us again. 

Me: Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?

Piano thot: Every time we come back from our spot, you have a girl with you in the back seat.      E V E R Y T I M E. 

Me: Shut the hell up. No, I don't. 

Piano thot: You probably have cooties. But I can tell you, the last few times we came here, it was a girl named Minerva, one named Erin, Shelly, and Sophie. I think her and Minerva were sisters.

Book Bitch: Oh, yeah, they were both redheads. Almost identical. You laid some smooth lesbian moves on them and they fell right into your arms. Lmfao. I'm surprised Louis even remembers all of that. Violet, you're a smooth talker. 

Mom: That's how I wound up in her bed. 

Me: *Cringes* We can reminisce in the car. Brody, come on.

Mom: Already on my way. You're the last one to pick up. We've been in the car the entire time. 

Me: Idk why I'm surprised. Dumbasses. I'm ready. I'll be waiting.


I locked my phone and slipped my shoes on.

I waited for about five minutes until I heard Brody's baby bitch ass car horn beep. 

I hurried out the front door and hopped in the back of the van. 

There were 7 seats, so with it being nine of us, we had to squeeze in the back. 

"Hey, bestie. " Louis nudged me on my arm with his elbow. 

"Hey, Louis." I punched him in his arm as hard as I could, with a chuckle. 

"Ouch, you're getting stronger. I guess my gym memberships actually do pay off. Ya know... since you use it and all. " He elbowed me in my side with a smirk on his face.

"I know. Look at this hook. You can actually feel the difference." I elbowed him back. 

Everyone just watched us and I swear we did this the whole ride. 

By the time we got out of the car, my side was hurting, almost like a bruise but I didn't pay it any mind. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're here." Louis announced to us, stretching his arms, cracking his bones. 

I checked my watch to see the time.

It's still early in the night. 


"Come on people, we don't have anything else to do with our lives. " I sighed with a smile, heading toward the entrance. 


We've been here for about an hour... 

And I'm still not wasted? 

That's something new. 

I decided to walk over to the bar to buy a few more drinks for myself.

I took a seat and whistled over the loud music to catch the bartenders attention. 

"Hey. You want the usual?" She raised an eyebrow. 

"Can I get your number instead? Because I've asked a million times. " I gave her a toothy smile, admiring her beautiful hazel eyes, watching how the lights made them look amazing, her skin was an almond color and her hair was this amazing shade of brown. 

"So you want the usual." She turned away from me, trying to hide the smile on her face. 

"Be fair. Don't ignore me. No matter how many times you've told me no, I still haven't lost any respect for you, neither have I disrespected you as some other people would. Right?" I continued to conversation, leaning on the counter with my arms crossed. 

"Your parents raised you the right way. That's pretty rare." She shrugged her shoulders. 

"Well, my dads a drunk, my mom works three jobs, and my grandmother who was supposed to be my legal guardian wasn't mentally fit to take care of a child, so pretty much, I raised myself. " I corrected her, clearly unbothered by her assumptions and downed my drink.

"Shit, sorry. Next one's on the house? " She offered as a peace treaty.

"No need. It's cool. I'm pretty much immune to it. " I smiled at her and saw how soft her eyes were and slid her the money. 

"No, but seriously... It's something about you that draws me to ask you if I can have your number every time I'm here. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's your amazingly colored eyes and how soft they are... Or your beautiful clear skin... or maybe the fact that you're honestly the only person that stays on my mind 24/7." I said every word while maintaining eye contact, which I never do. 

I took her hand. 

"Can I please get your number? You don't have to leave with me tonight, we can go on a date or something. Get to know each other, ya know? Actually, take each other seriously. Give me one chance. I won't blow it. " I kissed her hand afterward, flattering her in ways that I never even knew I could. 

"Alright, you got me. My name is Clementine." She sighed with red cheeks, trying to decline the smile her cheeks offered, but eventually gave in. 

"I'm Violet." I smiled back.

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