Chapter XXXV: Summer Fun.

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*Violet's POV* 


You call it cowardice if you want, but hiding our relationship from our friends has been an amazing adventure.

We've literally been sneaking around all school year.

Now, it's summertime. 

Nothing in my way to stop us from doing 18-year-old things. 

We're big kids now. 

Well, Clementine is 18, and I'm turning nineteen in like... 2 months. 

So yeah, we're adults. 

Clem is basically more adult than me because she has her own place, car, and cats which she treats like babies...

Sometimes I get jealous. 

But that besides the point. 

We all got accepted to Ericson's University, thanks to Clem making us keep up our grades, and we just graduated high school.

Can life be any better?


Even though Clem wanted a cup full of ice, she got a Slurpee.

It's not because I do what I want, it's because their fucking ice machine is down. 

Like, what the fuck? 

McDonald's can really annoy me sometimes, but they highkey have the best nuggets, so I stan them.


All these steps...

The fucking elevator is down. 

I can't even think right now. 

I can't fucking breath.    (vine reference.)

I knocked on the door to Clementine's apartment. 

"Clem... Open... door." I barely got it out through the many attempts to catch my breath. 

I could hear her soft chuckles through the door.

She cracked the door open and smiled.

"Hey, babe." I greeted her with a huge smile 

"Hey. Ice machine was down?" She noted that the cup wasn't full of ice. 

"You know it." I huffed, putting the cup and bags down on the table.

"I got you something to eat because I know you haven't eaten anything today... Well, you haven't had the chance until now." I explained my reasoning to her, sitting down on her couch.

"I could've just made something. You didn't have to do that." 

"That's too much. You deserve to sit back and get treated like... a queen." 

"You're so sweet." She sighed, knowing I wouldn't drop it. 

"Did you eat?" She turned to me, eyebrow raised and a hand on her hip.

"No, but I'll be alri-" 

"Did you get yourself something to eat?" 


"I'm making you something to eat. You have no choice." 

"Clem, just eat your food, I'm fin-"

"You have no choice." She cut me off yet again. 

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