Chapter LXXXIII: It's Funny How Life Works.

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Part two of "All Of Her." as promised :)*

Violet shut her front door, locking it behind her. She didn't bother turning on any lights. It would only hurt her eyes or possibly draw attention to her house. No one needed to know she was awake. 

She threw her hat down on the kitchen counter along with her keys and let out a sigh. 

She knew she had work in the morning, but she didn't regret the decision she made. It was for the greater good. To make sure Clementine was okay. Nothing more, nothing less. 

As she made her way up the stairs, she began to think. 


She couldn't help herself when it came to Clementine. She just wanted to watch her. No matter what she was doing. 

She couldn't repress it. It was like a natural selection of some sort. 

She eyeballed the prescriptions sitting on the black dresser in front of her. She had no control. She didn't get to choose when she took them, her body did. It made its own decisions. And of course, it ignored the medicine and chose to plop down on the bed instead. 

Violet went along with it. 

She slowly pulled her sneakers off, feeling the sensation of cool air hitting her toes after a long day of hard work. 

"I needed to do it. Don't belittle me. I did what I needed to do." Violet muttered, only talking to the voice in her head. "I like her a lot. I just wanted her to be okay. That's all." 

Soon, she felt a buzz in her pocket, scaring her out of her head. It was three in the morning. Who the hell would be texting her this late?


Violet's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. Her smile finding it's way onto her bright red cheeks. All frustration and anger left her presence and were replaced with excitement and butterflies. 


Clem: Hey... Are you up..?

Vi: Surprisingly, yeah. You okay?

Clem: Im fine, I guess. I just needed someone to talk to... I don't feel safe right now, like I'm being watched.


Violet knew she would hesitate with this next question, but it was worth the risk. They'd known each other for almost two weeks, hung out constantly. So, why not?


Vi: You wanna come over? I don't mind, I can sleep on the couch or something. 

Clem: Can you come over here instead? If that's out of your way, you don't have to. 


It's funny how life works. 


Vi: Yeah, I'll be over in 5. Text me your address. 

Clem: Thanks, Vi, I appreciate it.


Violet knocked on Clementine's front door, taking a deep breath to relieve her anxiety. Though Violet was confident, it was three in the morning and she was at Clementine's house. She knew she wouldn't be able to control herself in a lot of ways, but she'd have to. She knew she wanted to see her favorite girl again, so, she had to get her shit together. 

Violentine one-shots (The Walking Dead)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें