Chapter LII: Girlfriend Tag.

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I don't know anymore. 

*Violet's POV*

"Clem, it's so simple. Just run in the room and flip onto the bed. You do it any other time." 

"Okay, but I almost broke my back last time!" 

"Oh please, I break your back all the time! Don't pretend like you care for it now!" I scoffed, continuing to set up the camera. 


"Okay, okay. Let's take a breather and cool off and get ready to make the video. I'm sorry I yelled something embarrassing. Alright?" I stood up and opened my arms.

"It's okay. I was gonna flip onto the bed anyway." She giggled, wrapping her arms around me.

"You ready?" I kissed her forehead and smiled at her.

She nodded eagerly and headed out of the room.

I sat down on the bed and double checked to make sure everything was on point. 

Light; check, clean room; check, camera fully charged; check, face; definitely a check, and focus; check.

I took a deep breath and started the camera.

"Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. I hope you're enjoying your day. I know I am." A smile formed on my face by itself.

"Today, I'll be doing, drum roll, please. Note to self; don't forget to add drumroll."

"The Girlfriend Tag!" I did jazz hands and watched Clem flip onto the bed.

She landed it perfectly.

She actually landed on her ass...

On the bed.

"Hey!" She waved her hand with enthusiasm. 

"How the hell did you land that?" I looked at her with so many expressions.

"I'm a prophet. Simple." 

"I- okay. This is why I love you."

"I love you too."

"Anyways, getting on with the video. This is Clementine, also know as Clem, tangerine, sweet cheeks... Etcetera, etcetera." I introduced her with a smirk.

"I don't go by tangerine... or fucking sweet cheeks." She glared at me.

"No cursing on my fucking channel." I mocked her glare, trying my hardest not to laugh in her face.

"But you just cursed, what the fu-"

"ANYWAYS, This is how you play." I stopped her before she could get herself riled up. 

"I ask a question, you answer for me, I answer for you. Got it?" I turned to her with suspense.

"Got it." 

"First question. What's my biggest fear?" I looked back up from my phone and giggled. 

"Ants, duh."

"I'm NoT scaRed oF anTs." 

"Your voice cracks when you lie and your voice just cracked like a twelve-year-old's."

"You're scared of the dark." 

"You are too, so next question, youtube lady." 

"Cats or dogs?" I glanced at her knowing she'd know the answer.

"Well, Violet... You're a lesbian, so of course, you like cats. You love being a cliche." She rolled her eyes.

"You like dogs for some reason. They're ew." I cringed at the thought of even having one.

"What's My favorite snack?" I just prayed she didn't say anything sexual

"Clementine." My prayer didn't work.

"And yours is pineapples, so who's really the freak here?" 

"Oh, shut up. Next question." She rolled her eyes, which she got from me.

"Which one of my friends do I wanna punch in the face more? A) Louis. B)Aasim. or C)Marlon?" I looked up at the camera with evil intent. 

I'm gonna punch whoever she picks.

"All three."

"Good choice." I felt my voice get low.

"I'm gonna torture you guys. Thank Clem for that." I rubbed my hands together mischievously. 

Now time for the surprise.

Please don't fuck this up.

"Last question!" I suddenly yelled, making her jump.

"Will you marry me?" I pulled the ring out of my sweater pocket and showed it to her.

"Yea- WAIT OH, MY GOD." She covered her mouth her with hands and her feet moved at an uncontrollable speed, patting the ground in rhythm as her body rung with happiness.

"THANK GOD." I sighed, sliding the ring onto her finger.

I was just so sure she would say no, but I was wrong. 

She latched onto my waist with her arms, not letting go any time soon. 

I looked up at the camera with the biggest smile ever and began my outro.

"I don't know how I did it, but she said yes. Guys, I'm so grateful for you all, and especially my fiance, Clementine." I wrapped my arms around her and reciprocated the hug.

"Thank yo-"

My words were damn there obliterated into moans, thanks to Clem sucking on my neck.

I tried pushing her head away, but who knew her head could be so strong.

So I tried continuing my outro.

"Thank you... For helping... me get this far. I love my little Nugs... Until next time, this is Victory Violet, signing out." I instantly ended the video and laid back on the bed, feeling her lips detached from my neck.

"Clem, why? Oh my Jesus." I put my hands over my eyes and exhaled.

"Turn your camera back on." 


"Maybe... I wanna make a movie."



That last little bit made me feel complete. Thanks for dealing with my shit. Bye bye now.

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