Chapter II: Anger Management. (Part 1)

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**Violet's POV**


I can't lie, I'm one angry son of a bitch. Ever since the supposed woman of my dreams up and left for no reason, I've been on edge. Been drinking a lot, fighting, smoking... basically things I would've never expected to do. I come from a religious family, of course, they shunned me and left me unloved and I was homeless, bouncing from friend to friend until I met Minerva. The one I was supposed to spend my life with and have kids... I was just thinking about buying the ring, being indecisive about which one to pick because I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted to have the perfect dream wedding and the perfect reception and everything. But that ship has sailed and that dream is dead. Shot down my confidence so fast, I really don't think I'll love again... at least not the same. 

"Vi, you okay?" Louis asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. "I think I need to move out... I can't be a burden to you anymore, I gotta go." I reply, begging him not to fight it, but he does because it's a part of his character, he wouldn't dare let me think like that. "And go where? You're fine here, I promise. If anything, I can get you your own apartment. I can afford it. You've got a job, but you just need some more time to get back on your feet all the way." He encouraged me with every word that escaped his lips. I smile at him, "This is why you're my best friend. I love you man... and thanks. For letting me stay here... It's been about 4 or 5 months but I appreciate every last second that I'm here." I place my hand on his shoulder, mocking his recent actions, causing a series of laughter. "No problem Vi, you know I'm always here for you... and Marlon, and Ruby, and Aasim, Brody, Mitch, and Omar." He chuckled at us as if we were his kids. 

"I start my anger management today. I hope I don't get stuck with a  weirdo or a "hOmoPHoBIc" trainer because I promise, it'll be the worst, for them of course." I say with a giggle behind it. "Or maybe It'll be like the movies when you get this super hot trainer and you guys start hanging out and maybe even start to like each other." He raised both of his eyebrows multiple times, nudging me with his elbow softly. I laugh at his childishness. "Now which car do you wanna take? The BMW or the Mustang?" He asked, holding up both sets of keys. "Hmm, Let me see. Which one would be a chick magnet?" I fake contemplate with a grin on my face. "Mustang." We say together, nodding our heads. "Shower? Check. Clean clothes? Check. Deodorant? Check. Car keys? Check." I had everything I needed. I grabbed my bookbag and walked to the elevator, riding down to the garage of Louis' condo.  

I pressed the alarm button on the keys and waited to hear the horn honk. I followed the sound until I was greeted by a yellow Mustang with black stripes and beautiful rims. I got in the car and threw my bookbag into the passenger seat and clicked my seatbelt on, started the car up and placed my hands on the wheel, thinking about how nice life is sometimes. I only had one problem. Anger. I turned the radio on and connected my phone to the Bluetooth. I rolled out of the driveway, windows down, music blasting, and good vibes. 

I pulled up in front of the building, looking for a parking spot. As soon as I found one, some asshole beat me to it. He knew I was going there and raced me to it. I was so close to the building. I contemplated getting out of the car, but I didn't do it just because of the simple fact that I was stuck in awe. It was a beautiful lady walking by that caught the hell out of my eye. I sat there with the windows rolled down, watching her every move as he strutted to the building. Her beautiful light skin, hazel eyes, long eyelashes, her hair was in a curly ponytail and she was fit. I hurried and parked, trying to catch up with her.

The minute I walked into the building, there she was, with a beautiful smile spread across her face. When she waved at me, my heart dropped. My body froze and I tensed up. I awkwardly waved back, making her chuckle. I smiled back, continuing my walk to the sign in sheet. Realizing I didn't know where I was going, I froze again, looking at her and making eye contact.  "W- Where's... the sign in sheet?" I stutter as I approach her. "Right here." She points down at the desk behind her without breaking eye contact. " Thanks. " I say above a whisper.  

Violentine one-shots (The Walking Dead)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora