Chapter VIII: Honey Moon (Part II)

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**Clementine's POV**

We traveled to the beach and placed some towels on the hot sand. "Well, how do you feel? " I asked, turning to Sophie. "I mean, I feel good..? Yeah, I'm good." She responded, rubbing her stomach. " I'm so pumped, I can't wait for her... or him to get here. This is gonna be a hell of a nine months. " Louis smiled, looking over at Sophie. "You won't even get the worst part, you have no idea what Sophie's gotta go through. All you have to deal with is cravings and mood swings. " Violet chuckled. "It's gonna be a girl, I just know it. " Sophie sighed, still rubbing her stomach. "I think it might be a boy. " I looked at her stomach and back at Louis. "Oh god, two of him? I can only imagine the headache. " Violet said, causing everyone to chuckle. 

"This is nice. All of us just laughing and bonding on the beach... In Hawaii at that. Everything is so perfect. I love you guys. " Louis sighed in relaxation, placing his hands behind his head for some support. "We love you too, and again, congrats on the baby. " Violet stated sarcastically with a smile. " You know what I always wanted to do? " Louis sat up. "What? " I tilt my head and wait for a response. " Walk across the shore. We should take pictures. " Louis got excited. " I'm down! " Violet said, shooting up from her towel and grabbing her phone. " Yeah, me too. " I smiled, getting up from my towel. "What about you babe, you feeling up to it? " Louis offered a gentle smile, hoping she would say yes. " Yeah, why wouldn't I be? " She answered, smiling back at Louis and reaching her hand out for assistance. "Yes! " Louis cheered and helped her up, softly taking her hand and pulling her up.

It was a short walk to the shoreline from where we were set up at. Louis and Sophie took pictures first, and to be honest, they looked good in almost every picture. Clem and I took some... I would say BOMB ASS PHOTOS. The way her skin glowed in the sun, her hazel eyes filled with passion, her smile, oh Jesus. Me and my cockiness looked perfect as well, but Clementine looked like a goddess. Every time Louis took a picture he would say "Oh hell yes. Those angels, Yall hit that! " and made us feel a lot more confident taking pictures in front of other people. I mean, there were only like, 6 other people on the beach. By the time we got done taking pictures and uploading them to Instagram and Facebook, it was around nine o'clock. Everyone had left. 

Louis, Sophie, Violet, and I were still laid out on the beach. "Well, it's time to hit the sack. " Louis sighed, pushing himself up off of the sandy towel. "Yeah, I'm tired." Sophie yawned convincingly. "Louis... baby, can you carry me? My feet hurt so bad. " Sophie gave him her best puppy dog eyes. "You act like I was gonna say no, but that was cute. " He smiled at her. The hotel was pretty much behind the beach. From the hotel window, you could see the beach and everything surrounding it. " Clem and I are just gonna stay here then. We'll catch up with you later. " Violet smiled at them. "Sure thing. You guys be safe. Alright? Alright. Now me and Sophie have some business to take care of. " He winked, leaving me hoping that he wasn't talking about what I think he's talking about. "See you later. " I waved to them as they left, Louis carrying Sophie in his arms. "I'll call you when we leave. " Violet informed them loud enough so they could hear her from where they were at. Louis turned Sophie around so she could wave bye.

They soon reached the building and disappeared without hesitation. I scanned the beach with my eyes once more before looking at Violet. "Nobody else but us is here. " I locked eyes with her. "I didn't forget what you said earlier. " She winked at me and held my hand. That little bit of intimacy always made me smile.  " I looked down at our hands and felt my cheeks get red. She sat up and leaned over, kissing my cheeks gently, sending goosebumps down arms. She then proceeded to lay me down gently on the sandy towel and climbed over top of me and began kissing my neck, knowing that made my insides tingle. "Vi... " I moaned in an attempt to let her know what she was doing made me feel good but she continued, unbuttoning my shirt as her lips planted a kiss every time she undid a button. "Stay quiet. " She locked eyes with me and place her finger over my lips with a devious smile. I nodded, letting her acknowledge that I understood what she was saying. She looked down at my shorts and unbuttoned them as well, then slid them off slowly and smiled. "Your body is amazingly beautiful. " She licked her lips while she looked down in between my legs. "Well, it's yours to explore if you haven't already explored every inch of it already. " I tease and smile at her, making her want me more. 

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