Chapter LXII: This Is Love.

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Violet had always been accused of crimes but was never taken to jail. Court wasn't anything new to her either. Her smooth words always swoon the Jury over and she always got away with it. She was so clean with her crimes. Especially house robberies. But this time, she might've taken it too far and it was very obvious. She stole her exes car and took it for a joyride. Her hair was in the car at the crime scene, so of course, she was taken to court to testify against it. But on the bright side, she had a lawyer. A damn good one too.


Louis William Sulieman.

Flawlessly victorious in the field of law. Zero losses. It was the amount of charm he carried with him at all times, how he could make the angriest of people smile. He could brighten your day with one joke. 

Just like now, he was making the jury smile, over and over again. To them, It seemed as though they were easily gonna win the case.

That was until they met Clementine. A woman whose eyes were filled with hope, happiness, but then again, seriousness, determination. Kind of looks like a weak person but will actually break your bones depending on how angry she is. You would fall in love with her first glance. Caramel skin, amber eyes, looked good at every angle, body curved just the right way... That was Violet's type of girl. Badass, but kinda soft, just like her. 

The only thing that was stopping that was the fact that they were going to be going against each other. Louis defending Violet, Clementine defending Minerva. 

"Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge Lily Schraff presiding." The Ballif nodded his head, giving the judge the go ahead. 

"This is case number 217, on account in a matter of Adlon Vs. Leftmoore." The security guard handed her a file. 

She opened the file and read the charges that have previously been pressed against Violet and her eyes went wide. 

17 Home invasion charges, 3 misdemeanors, and 1 aggravated assault.

"She was never sentenced?" Lily raised an eyebrow at the security guard in amazement. "Nope, never."

"Everyone has been sworn in, everyone may be seated." The bailiff continued and let the judge carry on from then on.

"May the plaintiff and the defendant please stand." 

Violet and Minerva both rose in unison, keeping their eyes focused on Lily. 

"So, you and the defendant have a relationship?" Lily question Minerva with a cold tone. "We're broken up, no longer together." The redhead sounded angry. "Ah, okay. So, am I sensing some bad blood here or are you two always like this?" Her eyes darted between Violet and Minerva, waiting for an answer.  

"We're always like this."

"Bad blood." 

They both answered at the same time. Violet sounded less angry, she was loose with her lie as well. 

"Mmk. So you think it's bad blood, and you think it's just because she's upset about her car right now?" 

Both of them nodded their heads. 

"Well, I already see how this is going to be. Defendant, will you please have a seat? I want to speak with Ms.Leftmoore for a brief moment."

Without hesitation, Violet sat down and flashed the jury a smile. Without a doubt, her pearly white teeth, her freshly ironed button up shirt, clean face, green eyes, and her small ponytail was surely able to swoon them over. 

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