Chapter XVIII: The Itch.

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*Violet's POV*

Summertime, summertime.

What a wonderful time of year. 

I fucking lied


"AJ, Don't run! I don't want you to step on him! He's not as fast as you!" Clem yelled, warning him not to step on the puppy.

"He's faster than me!" AJ replied halfway across the field.

"Bring the dog back, We're about to eat." I pitched in the conversation.

AJ came running back with the puppy in his hand, cradling it like a baby.

The little german shepherd, Nugget, laid back in his arms, sticking his tongue out, catching a breeze. 

Yes. His name is Nugget.  

He's brown, so it's legit.

"Here you go, little buddy." AJ put Nugget down and looked up at us. 

"So, what did you guys pack?" He placed his hands on his hips and tilted his head.

"I got something special this time. " Clem replied, laying the blanket out on the grass. 

"And I got wine." I held up the bottle gladly.

Clementine glared at me. 

"Which is OFF LIMITS," I added on, earning an approving look from Clementine.

It's a very long story. 

To sum it all up, let's just say, I gave AJ some by accident once.

By some, I mean...

Maybe... Eh... half the bottle...

I thought it was the sparkling cider, but no, it was wine. 

He knew it tasted funny but he kept asking for more and kept chugging it down, next thing you know... he couldn't walk.

I thought he was being goofy until Clem got home and told him to tell her how many fingers she had up.

He couldn't even breathe correctly.

Ever since then, she's never left me alone with him for a long period of time and if she does, she just won't stop facetiming and calling and texting.

NO privacy whatsoever.

It was only a little bit of wine though.

"We don't want the same thing happening as last time." Clem glared at me,

"It was years ago! He's fine!" I rolled my eyes. 

She pointed over at AJ who was rolling around on the ground with Nugget.

With his tongue out. 

What the fuck. 

"And just so you know, it was last year... When I went Christmas shopping." She chuckled.

"Can we eat now?" AJ sighed, brushing himself off.

Clem nodded her head peacefully.

"Yes!" He fist pumped the air and plopped down on the blanket.

"Go ahead and tell me he's not messed up. He got drunk when he was 5. He just turned 6." Clem put her hand behind her ear and waiting for a response sarcastically.

"Okay, but Nugget isn't." I gave her a quick smile.

"He's a dog." She argued, putting down the plates. 

"He's our son! How dare you?" I crossed my arms, pouting.

"You only like him because his name is chicken nugget."

"Damn right." 

"Violet, keep it up. You'll regret it." Clem pointed a finger at me. 

I guess she was supposed to be scaring me.

"Or what?" I challenged her even though I knew what she meant.

She gave me that death glare, shutting me up. 

"Sorry." I forced a soft chuckle.

AJ looked between us two with confusion. 

"How did she know what you were saying if you didn't say anything? Can she read minds?" AJ started his questioning nonsense. 

"No, AJ, she only understands because we've been together for a long time and she knows not to go past the boundaries," Clem responded to him, not averting her gaze.

She actually starting to scare me now.

She pulled out a few boxes of chicken nuggets, which I, in fact, didn't know about because she packed it on her way home from work.

"I'm so glad I shut my fucking mouth." I sighed in relief. 

"Swear." AJ scolded me. 


Clem handed out the nuggets, giving me the most satisfying amount.

40 chicken nuggets.

She remembered like I asked the last time on our way home. 

"Don't eat all of those nuggets, Violet." Clem sighed, taking one of her own and biting it in half.

"I can handle it, mom. You sound like Brody. Ew. " I took two nuggets whole.

"If I Were to be your mother, that would be incest, my love." She explained to me, rubbing my hand, nodding her head slowly as if I was retarded. 

"What's insects?" AJ butted in the conversation yet again.

"It's incest. And it's when family members have... fun together..." I tried my best to explain.

"We're doing incest right now then, right?" AJ smiled. Oh so adorable. 


"That's not how it works. You'll learn when you learn about the birds and the bees." Clem cut the conversation short. 

"I already know about birds and bees. Birds chirp, bees buzz." He stated proudly, speaking with his chest.

"Clem." AJ froze.

"What? What's wrong? What is it?" She started to panic.

"I'm itchy. It's all over my body." AJ resumed and started scratching like a maniac.










This went from the best day to the worst day in a matter of seconds.

F u c k. 

He ate my chicken nuggets. 

My life is over.

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