Chapter XXXVIII: One-Sided.

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*Violet's POV*

Ever since Clem and Gabe broke up, she's been hanging around with me a lot more. 

They've been broken up for about a month now. 

We have sleepovers, talk 24/7, hang out all the time... Normal teenage stuff.

Every time I look into her eyes, I get this feeling in my stomach and my face gets red.

With her, it seems like it's more...

More than a friendship.

More than her just being around me just for her own comfort.

So, finally, I gathered enough courage to tell her how I feel. 

I can't keep these feelings to myself anymore. 

It's been 2 years... 

It just has to be said.


"Hey, Vi?" Clem sat down on my bed next to me.

I looked up at her, moving my face from out of the pillow.

"Truth or dare?" She smiled down at me. 

"Truth." I nonchalantly replied, kicking my legs off the edge of the bed.

"Do you miss Minerva? I think she misses you... like, a lot." 

"Ugh, no. Why'd you even say her name?" I gave her a full body eye roll that I usually save for Louis. 

"Just wanted to see if her feelings were one-sided."

"Well, they are. She can suck a dick. She fucked up with me, so, that's her fault." 

Clementine giggled for a bit.

"Alright. Truth or dare?" I rolled over on my back and look up at her.

"Truth." She didn't hesitate to answer.

"You currently crushing on anybody?" I slowly try to ease my way into telling her how I feel.


"Who?" I shot up and anxiously looked at her.

"Not telling." She folded her arms and giggled like a little kid. 

"Okay, well... do I know them?" 

"Yup. And I'm not answering anything else. So, how about we play never have I ever?" She switched the topic.

Is she trying to avoid the question because she likes me?

"Yeah... You go first." I give her a smile, getting more into the game.

"Hmmm... Never have I ever... sucked toes." She gave me a shit eating grin. 

"You know it's a long story behind it asshole. Don't even try that shit with me." I chuckled, putting one of my five fingers down. 

"Mmm, kinky." 

"Never have I ever lost my virginity to a certain Spanish boy that wears a crusty beanie and the same blue jacket every day." I shot back at her.

"I get to keep all five fingers up. He can't even control himself long enough to get me undressed. He finished before we started, so I'm as pure as Virgin Mary." She corrected me, waving her fingers in my face. 

"TMI, TMI." 

"Well, then... Never have I ever... sent a dirty text to the wrong person." She remembered that time where I accidentally sent an unholy message to Louis. 

"You've done it too. On MULTIPLE occasions." I put down one finger and put down one of her fingers, watching her smile fade.

"Never have I ever touched myself." I squinted at her.

"That's not fair. You know Gabe is horrible at sexually pleasing females... He couldn't even eat my-"


"I'm disappointed that I cried over him."

"Yeah, me too." I elbow her on her arm softly. 

"Violet?" Clem suddenly froze to look at me with a confused face.


"You think I should tell my crush I like them? What if they don't like me back?" She began nervously fidgetting with her fingers. 

"Uh, who can reject you? They don't have the right." 

"I know but... I... really wanna tell them." 

This is making me think this is her trying to tell me she likes me. 

Now is my chance to say something... Let her know how I feel...

Let her know how she feels isn't one-sided. 

"Clem..." I took a deep breath.

She looked at me, stress covering her face.

"I... I like... You... Like... A lot." I slowly but surely got it out. 

She sat in silence, looking at me with confusion. 

I waited for her to get her words together. 

"Earth to Clementine...?" I waved my hand in front of her face. 

"Violet... I..." She began, taking a deep breath before continuing. 

"I don't... feel... the same... I kinda... I just like Louis."

My eyes burn, my heart died, my brain isn't comprehending right now.

I just fucked everything up. 

"I'm sorry Vi." She jumped up off of my bed and grabbed her bookbag.

"Wha- I... Clem?" by the time I said anything, it was too late. 

She left without a word.

How am I supposed to...


I can't do this shit. 

I thought she felt the same... 

Of course, she likes Louis...

I felt the heat in my chest rise up and got up off my bed. 

The split-second image of her walking out the door stuck in my head. 

I punched the wall with full force actually realizing what I'd just done. 

I ruined a perfectly good relationship.


I curled up into a ball in the corner of the room and put my head between my knees and began to cry. 

"I fucking ruin everything," I grumble to myself.

But it's not all my fault.

It's hers... For pretending to share those feelings with me...

Turns out, they're just one-sided.

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