Chapter LXV: Prom?

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Just friends Part IV.  :) 

*Violet's POV*

So, prom is coming up. I have no clue how I'm gonna ask Clem. She said she wants to go since it's gonna be our last. I wanna ask her, but I don't know how. I can't go to anyone because nobody knows about our relationship. It's been almost 2 months on the down low. I'm just waiting for the right moment to tell everybody... well, not exactly... tell them, but... pop out.

One thing I most definitely won't do is tell Louis or ask for help. Ew. Even thinking about him is making me wanna punch myself in the mouth... better yet... him. 


"Mom, I wanna ask someone to prom... sooo, how should I do it?" I looked over to her, smiling at the fact that she wasn't drunk and it's 9 o'clock at night. "Well, who's the lucky boy? Is it Louis?" Her smile grew wide at the thought of him, meanwhile, I was throwing up internally.

"We- Mom, that's my best friend. I am gay... Ooga Booga, me no like boys." I reminded her, despite her homophobic ways. "Oh... yeah..."

"So, how should I ask her?" I questioned her again, hopefully getting a straightforward answer. 

She took a deep breath. It kinda scared me because I didn't know what that was for. 

"Whos the lucky gal?" She forced a smile and grabbed my hand, looking away from the TV for a moment. A smile... eye contact... a conversation... her being interested... It means and says a lot to me.

"Uh, well... Clementine." I nervously smiled, scratching the back of my neck. "Oh, so that's where you got those hickies from?" She snorted, looking down at my neck. "What hick-" I shut my mouth as I remembered what happened just earlier today. 

"Yeah, exactly. Now, you like hockey, right?" She looked up into my eyes. They were a reflection of mines... pretty much the only thing I don't share with her is brown hair... 

"Yeah, hockey is my life."

"Okay... so make something about ice." She shrugged her shoulders before looking at the tv again. 

"And Violet... I only thought Louis was your boyfriend because he bought you a car. Seems like a grand gesture to me. Sorry about that." 

"It's all good... I'm gonna go think about this... situation for a minute. I'll be right back." I dismissed myself from the living room and headed down the hallway to my room. 

The minute I walked through the door, I was almost trampled over by a 9-year-old. My little sister, Summer. "Hey, Violet!" She basically screamed to the top of her lungs for no reason whatsoever. "Hey... What's up?" I smiled, shaking her hand, doing our 'secret shake'. 

"Is your neck broken?" Summer tilted her head, her brown hair falling to the side as well. "Dude... What?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Those are mosquito bites, honey. Leave Violet be." My mom answered her question from the living room. Then it hit me what she was talking about. "How come they're purple? Come here, let me see. You might be infected." She put the magnifying glass to her eye to get a better "Observation." 

"They're infected, mom. She's gonna die. She doesn't get a funeral, we have to burn her or else she'll spread her disease." Summer came up with her diagnosis. I guess she's gonna take being a doctor a lot more serious than I thought. I mean yeah, my feelings are kinda hurt, but at least she's blunt about it.

"Why don't I get a funeral?" I raised an eyebrow at her, knowing she was gonna come up with a crazy answer. "Because burning you and throwing you into the ocean is more peaceful... for us."

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