Chapter LXXXIV: No Need To Take Things Slow.

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* I like this story, so, part three.*

"You know I wouldn't miss out on that opportunity," Violet whispered softly, leaning in to seal their lips. 

They both felt chills run through their bodies, making them shudder but with enthusiasm. It was something that felt right. It was meant to be. It was inevitable. 

Violet pulled away, a smile spread on her cheeks, but Clementine had other ideas. 

She gripped Violet's shirt, pulling her back in for another, deepening the kiss aggressively. 

Violet wasn't surprised. She read Clementine correctly. She knew what kind of person she was from the second they had their first conversation. 

She was shy, yet a social butterfly, secretive, but an open book. Patient but eager. Reserved, but also wanted people to see everything. 

Everything about her was contradictory, but Violet understood it. 

There was no need to waste time. 

No need to take things slow. 

There was a connection that the two shared. They weren't afraid to establish it. Fear would only keep them away from each other. 


Violet's eyes opened to the sound of Clementine's ringtone. It bothered her. Genuinely. But she was willing to put up with it for the brunette who was unsurprisingly still sound asleep in her arms. Her head rested on Violet's chest as if she were a pillow. 

Violet admired her with a smile, taking in how peaceful she looked, even with messy hair and drool.

She knew Clementine like the back of her hand already. 

There was nothing she could judge her for.

Just two weeks and she found out where she grew up, her family, her old schools, her job, everything. 

It wasn't like it was hard to find. 

Social media made it possible. 

It doesn't take a genius to use the internet. 

And it's not like Clementine was private. She didn't care to cover her body up after last night. She trusted Violet with everything she had to offer. 

Violet didn't take her eyes off of the sleeping beauty. 

She could watch her for hours, or she could snap her neck. It wouldn't take any effort. 

But cooking breakfast would, and cooking was something Violet was somewhat good at.


Violet flipped the hot cake, making sure both sides were well done. It had to be perfect. 

Did she make them from scratch? Yes, but that doesn't mean they have to be messy. 

Just as she was almost finished with the sausages, Clementine came waddling out of the room with an oversized T-shirt, yawning, and her hair in a very very very messy bun. 

"Well, good morning, sleepyhead." Violet glanced at her for a second, flashing her a quick smile before taking the meat off of the stove. All she got was a groan from the girl, making her smile even more. 

Clementine whispered a sweet, yet groggy "Morning." As she wrapped her arms around Violet's waist and rested her head on her back. 

"I made some coffee for you. I know how you like it." Violet tried her best to move as little as possible, hoping not to make Clementine uncomfortable. "I wanna go back to bed... You're welcome to join if you'd like?" Clementine grinned into Violet's shirt, knowing what she actually meant by that. 

Violentine one-shots (The Walking Dead)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora