Chapter XV: Oatmeal.

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*Violet's POV*

Louis made me some Oatmeal for breakfast, which was unusual, but food is food.

"Is it good?" He looked at me with a shit eating grin across his face.

"Yeah, It's oatmeal. You know I love oatmeal. " I looked at him. 

"Good morning. " Clem came into the living room stretching. 

" 'Morning babe. " I smiled at her. 

"I'm here too. Good morning. " Louis waved with a dumb smile on his face. 

"Good morning Louis. What time is it?" She yawned, looking at Louis for an answer. 

"Uh, it's 12:46 and you two are just now getting up? Wish I could relate. " He sighed. 

"Your time isn't right, dipshit. It's 11:16." I corrected him, looking at my watch.

"Oh, that's just my timer. " He shrugged his shoulders. 

I ate three more spoons full of oatmeal. 

"Why do you have a timer on?" Clementine gave him a confused look. 

"You'll see." Louis smirked. 

Clem looked at my bowl of oatmeal. 

"Violet, who made that?" She seemed worried.

" Louis. This shit is good. " I continued to eat.

Louis was silently cracking up on the couch. 

" Stop eating that. " Clem said, looking at Louis with an unamused expression. 

"I'm already done. " I looked up at her after swallowing my last bit.

"Louis..." Clem turned to him with her arms crossed. 

"When does he even ever make breakfast for you and only you?" Clem made a good point.

"I just felt like being nice. " Louis shrugged, holding back a smile. 

I put my bowl in the sink and sat next to Louis.

He was already watching tv, but I didn't care, so I changed the channel. 

"Yeah, because I wasn't watching that. " He complained sarcastically. 

Don't think I'm an asshole, he does it to me all the time. 

"Two minutes. " Louis giggled. 

What was he timing? 

Clem sat down beside me with a look I couldn't explain. 

Her eyebrows were raised but her face was annoyed. 

"You okay?" I looked over at her. 

"You have got to be the dumbest person alive. You actually ate from Louis, who cooked for you and only you when you weren't in the room when he was doing it. He did something to it." She explained. 

I looked over at Louis and noticed he was holding his laughter back. 

"Wha- Louis? " I prayed it wasn't true.

"She's not wrong. It should be working any moment now. " He laughed dead in my face.


I suddenly got the urge to go to the bathroom. 

"Louis, I'm gonna fucking kill you." I groaned, running to the bathroom.


(Around 11 pm)

"I feel so empty." I whined. 

"Well, he put a laxative in your food. You'll feel better soon. " She sighed, rubbing my stomach as if I was a dog. 

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Clementine invited them. 

It was Louis. 

With a pack of flowers, chocolate, and chicken nuggets.

He knows chicken nuggets are my weakness. 

" Hope you feel better. Love you. I'll be back to check on you later. " He smiled while he placed what he bought for me on the desk beside our bed and just walked out.

"He thinks chicken nuggets, chocolate and a pack of flowers is gonna make me feel better? My fucking ass hurts." I nagged. 

"Oh, shut up. " Clem chuckled, feeding me a nugget.

I definitely could get used to this life. 

"That's not fair because he knows I get weak in the knees for nuggets. "  

And for some odd reason, he's my best friend. 

Fucking Louis...

I gotta get him back. 

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