Chapter LVI: Blankets and Basements.

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Clem is Mommy, Violet it Mom. The usual. "Mama" Is cringey, so don't ask why I don't use it. Enjoy. 

*Violet's POV*

When we adopted AJ, he was 3. 

He came with this blanket and never let go of it.

He can't sleep without it.

But it gets dirty, so sometimes we have to sit here and listen to him cry about it for about 2 hours.

But only during the day.

That's the one rule we don't break.

Only wash his blanket during the day.

We have jobs and take care of a three-year-old. 

No one wants to have to deal with him crying at night too. 

I said, "Clementine, make sure you put the clothes in the wash at a reasonable time."

What did she do?

Put the clothes in at 11 pm. 

Now, there's a 4-year-old about to be SCREAMING his head off about a little blue blanket that he's outgrowing.

"Clem, his lip is trembling. He's about to cry, help him." I tried to catch him before the screeching could start.

Her eyes darted around the room full of toys, looking for something to distract him.

She picked up disco broccoli and waved it in his face; "Hey, Alvin Junior, I'm disco broccoli-"


"Oh, my fucking... GOD." I rubbed my temples in frustration. 

"Violet, go see how much time is on the washing machine. AJ you want a snack?" She smiled at him profoundly.

Well, that's new.

Clem hates giving him late-night snacks.

His crying stopped and turned into hyperventilating. 

"I'll take that as a yes. Come on, let's go get your snack baby."

I took that as the go-ahead to check the washer machine. 

The only thing was...

I'm not going into the basement alone. 

I clicked the light switch, to no avail, the light blew out.

Swallow your fear for fuck's sake, you're 24, what're you afraid of?

The dark?

I'm not even gonna argue with my thoughts. 


She came darting into the kitchen, AJ on her hip, watching me stare at the top of the steps.

"I thought something was wrong. What do you need?" She gave a somewhat satisfied smile.

"The basement light blew out." 


"It's dark."


"I don't like the dark."

"Violet. Our room is literally pitch black right now."

"But a room and a basement are two different things."

"I'll check on the clothes then. I'll leave AJ here for a few minutes."

"He's gonna cry, Clem. Please, no."

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